Why am I so be going to?

Ok I'm not pregnant. I'm not having my peirod. I'm not stressed out. I'm getting pretty polite sleep. I haven't really been ingestion healthy but I haven't be gorging on junk food. But lately I enjoy been the most bitchy party. I made my mom cry today. I don't understand it, Is it basically teenage oddity hormones?

Ladies only please?

Hormones honey...Just apologize to your mother...
I know what your chitchat about i go through it as all teenagers do, Just try and control them as economically as you can, if you feel you cannot save your mood swings under control later i would suggest staying to yourself ..If you start getting angry instead of saying things you know you will regret totter away from everyone, go contained by your room and be alone for a while.That's what i did and i made it much easier for everyone else...
good luck!

Birth Control Failure!?!?

How antiquated are you?

Reasons of small boobs?

I think it may be hormonal, but this doesn't excuse you to hurt populace. Especially your family. If you are aware of it afterwards let your line know that you don't feel resembling talking and swot to control yourself.

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