Ache past menstruation . .?

About a week before menstruation, soreness starts to grow on the face. Is in attendance a way to slim down it or is it natural?

I dust my face twice a morning (everday). and eat powerfully. . .

Blahbody/pregnancy question =/?

the hormones we enjoy in our body are different for us adjectives and therefore may effect us differently.

ur body is making sure everything develops capably and might do strange things at times..

make sure u drink lots of dampen and try not to stress.. which might also cause symptoms similar to this

Help! Very curious little sister!?

The same thing happen to me. Unfortunately there is no path to stop it. Washing your face more won't assistance. It has to do beside your hormones. Gotta love having your time of year, huh?!

Nothing has cause me more misery in my vivacity than having my damn term every single month of every single year for the last 20 years :(

Endometrial stripe?

Its the hormones contained by your body. The best thing I can suggest is to treat contained by from the inside out. Get some suppliments that contain vit A, calcium, vit E.

My periods hold getting shorter what does this mean?

i guess

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