Pill fell, what to do?
should i lug the one for tomorrow, or what?
Answers: take the one for tomorrow. don't want to miss. better to stop early than skip and risk ovulation.
I suggest that would be the best thing...basically take the one for tomorrow... and consequently your period would newly come early. Or to be on the risk-free side, you could call your doc. Take the one dated second in the pack and steal tomorrow's tomorrow. Then you won't get mixed up beside the days.
I would definitely help yourself to the one for tomorrow, but if you aren't sure you want to do that, call your doctor's department tomorrow morning and explain to them that today's fell down the drain and that you aren't sure if you should continue taking them right immediately. They'll be able to inform you whether or not you should take tomorrow's pill as usual.
Hope this help. :-)
yes you should totally take the one for tommorrow and afterwards on the last daylight your sposto take it and you dont enjoy any left dont whip it k hun! im a doctor! Everyone has be giving you very desperate advice. I don't know of any doctors that can't spell "I'm." Do not simply take tomorrow's pill. That process you'll "end early" and miss the ultimate pill, which is just as unpromising. You have a couple option:
1) Throw away the old pack, widen a new pack and start from where on earth you left rotten. Then you'll be protected from pregnancy and your hormone cycle won't be thrown off.
2) Miss this pill and use a condom or other backup form of birth control for a week.
If you're not using it as protection from pregnancy, you probably don't involve to worry. If you are, you're not going to be protected from pregnancy for going on for a week after you miss the pill (whether it's now or at the call a halt of your cycle).
take tomorrows pill today. at the close of the month, you will be short one pill so you will have to get underway a new bag and take an involved pill to replace it. you should then start a brand investigational package, keeping the extra pack for situations close to this.