I can't find where on earth to insert the tampon.?

i have be trying for a long time..
i am 12---i've had my spell for about a year, and enjoy always used pad. But in the subsequent 2 days i'm going to waterparks, and swimming so now i hold no choice.

I can't find where 2 insert it! serve!!

Can't Sleep due to suspected UTI.the urge to urinate is constant?

there should be hole below your butt. insert it there.


i dont conjecture this is a real quiz.
you gotta be kidding me...
as a boy, even at 12, i know where that entity went! :)

ok, i will be nice immediately. stick it straight up your vagina. distance is the tricky part. start out the string out for easy retrieval.

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It's the hole between where on earth the poop and pee come out.

Only for girlz!! related to periods?

HEY STOP IT!! she's probably serious. ok its not surrounded by your butt. its one up from where your butt hole is. (that sounds nasty) but resembling in between the urethra and the anus.

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take a look @ this site I hope it help!! -Nay

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Haha...I remember my first period!

I insufferable pads. I wore the for soon and was determined to wear tampons and have one hell of a time. Now I don't understand what be so hard!

don't be freaked out something like touching yourself, but try this. Start and your pants waistine and run your mitt down and follow down into your underwear. There should be "lips", ya know? Well, follow them down. when they stop point your fingers up towards your head and you should kinda have a feeling where the hole to insert the tampon is.

Put one leg on the toilet to do it. It's unproblematic.

Can anybody help?

First tampon can be insulting, it gets easier next to practice. The box usually has a piece of tabloid talking just about this but:

"How do you insert a tampon?

You may be worried and nervous roughly speaking using your first tampon. Talk to your mom or a friend who has used tampons. It is major to first learn how to use a tampon and after, just relax! The more you relax, the easier the insertion will be. When you are on edge, your muscles tense up, making insertion even harder. For your first time, you may want to try using a tampon when your menstrual flow is heavily built; this should allow the tampon to glide within more easily. Choose the smallest size tampon for the first time. By following these simple guidelines, and those that come beside your package of tampons, your first experience beside tampons should be easy.

Sit or stand surrounded by a comfortable position. Some women prefer to place one leg on the toilet seat or tub, while others prefer to squat down. After you find a position that is to say most comfortable for you, hold the tampon with the fingers that you write near. Hold the middle of the tampon, at the spot where the smaller, inner tube inserts into the larger, outer tube. Make sure the string is detectable and pointing away from your body.
With your other hand, widen the labia (the folds of skin around the vaginal opening) and position the tampon in the vaginal opening. (See picture 1 below).
Gently push the tampon into the opening, aiming for the small of your back. Stop when your fingers touch your body and the applicator, or outer tube, is completely inside the vagina. (See picture 2 below).
Once the applicator or outer tube is inside of you, use your index finger to push the inner tube (the tube where on earth the removal string is visible) through the outer tube. This pushes the tampon into the vagina.
Once the inner tube is all the course in, use your thumb and middle finger to remove the applicator or outer tube. (See picture 3 below). Make sure that the string hang outside of the vaginal opening. Later, when you are set to remove the tampon, hold the string and gently verbs it downward until the entire tampon is out. " More on website...

How come I have be peeing so much lately?

It is hard the first time and it might hurt but lately a little. breed sure a your age you by the slim type. check out this website. you can email me i you don't understand something.
give somebody a lift a look it has a diagram.

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ok princess what you need to do is lie back down on your bed and relax. take rotten your panties and gently touch and explore your vagina. ok starting at the top you inevitability to go between the orifice and feel around at the final for a small lump. This is your clitoris, go down further you will find you urethra, to be exact where you urinate from, transport on down and the next hole you come to will be yourvagina, thats where on earth the tampon goes. the entrance to your vagina may be covered by a undernourished membrane called your hymen, this may also stop you from getting the tampon in. You may entail to break this first. I find the best way to insert a tampon is to stand next to one leg on the toilet seat this seem to open it a bit. you may also have need of to put a bit of lube on the tampon something like KY jelly

Can anyone notify me what this might be?from my private?

Oh, Sweetie... I'm so sorry you don't have someone to agree to about this. I get my period when I be 11 and I'm really lucky... my Mom SHOWED me. When you pee...urinate...whatever... it come from your Urethra... exceedingly close to your Vagina... which is where one inserts a tampon. You know where on earth you have bowel movements... #2. The ONLY other introductory is your vagina... that's where the Tampon go. We have discussed this surrounded by your first question nearly the swimming party. I'm right here. I concern.
Do not worry roughly speaking getting the Tampon in... just do what I said earlier... and Sweetie...remember that you are NOT the first woman with this problem. We ALL get through it. Hugs, Gina C.

On Thursday the 15th I experienced some light bleeding, but lone in the morning when I first wokeup..?

Wow... Well um, nearby is a hole in between where on earth you pee and where you poop. Take a tampon, insert the aplicator into your 'vagina' and afterwards push it in. The string should hang down out so that you can take the tampon out after a couple of hours. If you return with a box of tampons they should provide you with instructions.

If i started my term today and started taking my new birth control pills today will it stop my mens. cycle?

try this:


Consistent vaginal discharge?>..?

Next time you are in the shower (since you will own to figure this out while bleeding) You call for to use your fingers down there to find the vaginal gap. the first bump going down there is the clitoris, the subsequent is the urethra (pee hole) right behind explicitly where the tampon go in. (And when your elder sex, and babies)


Anyone had problems beside the pill? What can I do for contraception?

Ask a very close women to sustain you to find the right hole

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What I found that helped, be slowly moving the tampon back and pushing as I moved it. When it go in and didn't hurt, that be where it be supposed to go! Kind of weird way, but , you know, I am for a moment odd. Also, build sure you are relaxed, and your legs are wide get underway to open yourself up more.
See this too:

If you want, check out YouTube for some video on how to do it, they are explicit, but you kinda get the opinion.

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