For how long should I keep taking my pre-natal pills after I hold conceived?


My sister asked me if you can get a pimple (boil?) on your pubic nouns (lips)?

Prenatal vitamins should be taken, optimally, beginning 3 months prior to conception and throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pink menstrual cycle?

You embezzle them during your entire pregnancy and also after you give birth especially if you breastfeed. They own the balance that your pregnant/breastfeeding body desires that a regular vitamin won't have.

My wife&I are trying to take pregant, She just finished her extent, when will she be ovol.&when do we have sex?

usually all the pregnancy. but that depends to one woman to another. ask your doc for you and your kid safety!
suitable luck!

Okay I need some minister to please?

Normally through out your pregnancy. If your Dr. didn't tell you, Ask her or him on your subsequent visit.

I enjoy an irritating rash contained by the genital area and it have recenty become very desperate where I can't sit still?

Prenatal's are polite to take clear through the pregnancy and after if you are going to breast nurture. ( Which you should seriously consider) The BEST advice is see an OB-GYN ASAP and follow their direction.

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