Sore breast please comfort!!?

i woke up one morning with one of by breasts drastically sore and tender, and when i feel it it seem like near may be a bump... i dont beleive it to be cancer, what else could it be? i shouldnt be getting my period for atleast a week and a partially, and its not that sort of pain, its REALLLLY tender and sore, and cant even graze the breast minus it hurting.

I am 27, ive always have a 26 day cycle, first time my period came on the 33rd afternoon and they were scant?

Could simply be a cyst...I used to draw from them 2 weeks before my don't underestimate the "PMS" concept. Even occaisional 'sharp pains' in the area...Some hot compresses to the nouns may help...cut out or down caffeine...and if after you bring your period you are still concerned bid your docs office and ask one of the nurses/explain to them etc. and see if they suggest coming in.

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