Is a ruptured ovarian cyst serious?

I still dont feel devout and am still in a moment or two pain... what is stirring to me? I went to the ER on friday and they released me on Saturday but didnt hand over me any medication. I am still unsure about what i should do in a minute since i am sill hurting?

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I am an alternative medicinal therapist and an ex nurse, I live contained by the UK. Yes it can be very serious. If you are contained by pain later your body is telling you that something is markedly wrong, you probably have some inflammation, this is the inflict of the pain, its what is cause the inflammation that has to investigated. You MUST do something, attain a second opinion, surrounded by some cases it can be fatal if vanished because it will cause other problems in your body You may inevitability antibiotics if you cant get them get hold of some Garlic capsules 1000mg its a raw powerful antibiotic.1 a day, it may not cure the problem but it will facilitate with the inflammation. Be sure and give an account your GP you are taking them because you cannot have a common anaesthetic whilst taking these capsules

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I would definately carry to the ER immediately. A cyst is roughly a contained infection. When it bursts it releases the infection into your body. You want to get to the ER NOW because you can find a whole-body infection called Sepsis, which is usually homicidal.

Women Please!?

they can be my best friend had one that ruptured several years ago and she be put into the hospital for poisoned her blood stream...i don't know if this could happen to everyone but if you are worried around it i would call your dr or jump back to the hospital

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did you have a laperoscopy to remove it? What happen in the ER?
If you did, later you probably don't need any medication. possibly only anti-biotics. If not, later it must have be a "functional overian cyst". Call you doctor, let him/her know you own concerns and ask questions. It's their responsibility to inform you. but you must ask first.


Yes,travel to your OBGYN as soon as possible.

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