Does anyone know what I can take or do to start my time of year? without taking birth control pills? I want to own?


Is this possible?

You dont say how matured you are.If your over 16 there is something call lydia pinkham its herbal and usaully you have to ask the pharmacist to directive it.You would be better off going to a mom and pop type pharmacy but walgreens may hold heard of it,Its be around for a hundred years.

Why am I having a interval for 3 weeks in a row?

an herb call don quia
(pronounced don kwoy)

go to a local vigour food store
they have some great herbals

How long would it appropriate for my hcg level to drop to nothing if my hcg level is 800?

I am a medical assistant and i will make clear to you this there is absolutly no bearing to start your period. That is up to your body when to start. Taking a pill could also suspension you getting your period because the pill is to stop ovulation but surrounded by order to enjoy a period you obligation to ovulate. just loaf your time and trust me it will come. Enjoy the days without it

39 weeks 4 days pregnant- please how to hold pressure off bladder?

Look, if you haven't started your interval yet, consequently you aren't meant to start it very soon. I haven't started mine and the doctor says I'm fine.
Just donate it alone and wait it out.

Why cant I orgasm?

you WANT to start it? oh freshly wait...youll abhorrence it

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