I be aware of bloated beforehand my time of year?

just past im due on my period i get the impression really bloated and down!
( im 13 ) and have individual just started x Please give support to or is this just regular x

Answers:    honey completely normal. All of us budge through this, some women's symptoms are worse than others, but no worries love, give it a few days you and you wont discern so down and the bloating will go away...

Adv. Registered Nurse Practitioner MSN
its completley middle-of-the-road...dont worry. dont enjoy any salty foods...drink a great deal of water..and if ur stomach hurts use a heat pad That's average. Get some meds to help.
It is average to feel this passageway... Try drinking lots of water earlier, during and after your period to abet flush out some of the salt surrounded by your body that can contribute to feelings of bloatedness. This is completely regular; it's just PMS! Lots of us grasp cramps, bloating, moodiness, tender, bigger breats... the list simply goes on! Try Midol to control the discomfited feeling, and run buy some 'fat pants' for those days. ;)) Hope you feel better, hun!
it is ordinary This is very run of the mill! I understand how you are fellign I started when I be 13 as well. You will carry used to it over the years! Try taking Midol or something to help!
sure is grasp some midol and stay away from caffine, welcome to womanhood! It's ordinary...just PMS. Drink abundantly of water, rob some over the counter meds like Midol, and exercise help too.
Its totally normal and drinking river is the best thing you can do for it. You could try taking some Midol too :) yes,vastly normal. (a) 48 I still achieve the symptoms 2. Read our bodies our selves.It is about a womanly body and life cycle. Eat well n drink plenty of water.
try to do things that pull your moods and be aware of your moods as soon as they come, so you don't make general public around you feel crestfallen, they may worry roughly speaking you. It is completely normal. Some women take bloated or have soreness surrounded by their breasts. Don't worry your are fine. Drink plenty of fluids (water not soda or any caffine). If you own any other questions this website may back.

It's normal. Just transport some Advil and/or Midol for any cramps. YOUR Pregnaut
I'm sorry to say this is average. First things first. If you haven't already done so, make sure your parents are aware that you've started your spell. Also, go to a GYN. It's time for that first appointment. Make sure you give an account your doctor your symptoms, especially the depression.

To alleviate my cramps and bloating, I take Midol and drink parsley. I know that sounds strange but parsley reduces bloating. I also avoid brackish and caffeine the week before and the week of my time.

To alleviate my depression and mood swings, I take birth-control pills to regulate my hormones but I am by no funds suggesting that a 13 year old start birth-control pills. That is a end resort and that is between you, your parents and your doctor. I hope my suggestions enjoy helped. Good luck and please don't forget to budge to a GYN.
Dont worry its impeccably normal. I'm approaching that days b4 my period comes so dont freak out. you might be pregnant!

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