The pill, Yasmin/ Dianette/ Cileste? Advice Please :)?

Hi I recently switched from microgynon to Yasmin. I have been on Microgynon for years but have always have spots and was a touch moody on it so switched to Yasmin.
Been on it for four months and have to vote it has done vastly little for my spots... the worse thing is it have really affected my moods, so much so that I very soon switch between stroppy, irritable and even suicidal over three weeks out of every four. My boyfriend and I cannot cope with this anymore so I own had to stop taking pills until my doc's apt. on Monday to reevaluate,

When I first switched to Yasmin the nurse told me at hand was a choice of Yasmin or Cileste but give me Yasmin as apparently cileste is known for break through beeding?

Has anyone have experience with Cileste or similar experience beside Yasmin? also the nurse never even mentioned Dianette and this surprised me, is this a popular pill in the UK?

Any advice on any of the side effects of any of these pills would be brilliant,

thank you :)


Headaches and short time of year?

Everyone reacts differently to respectively type of pill so it is hard to articulate what pill would be your best choice. This is something you will have to work out near your doctor when you see him/her.

Opinionsss on tampons?

cileste! ive been on it for years! (before i have a baby)and ive never had any problems beside it!xx

Does any one know why my boobs would hurt and feel really sore?

I found Dianette to be mood spots etc. I thought it be a really popular pill. Microgynon is renowned for causing mood swings but I'm not sure nearly Yasmin.

Is this bad for you?

I own had spotting near every birth control pill I have ever taken, regardless of the hormone level they have contained. My doctor have no explanation for why this happens to me, and have even done testing to rule out other issues (there be none). I finally just official that it was how my body handle the hormones and I deal beside it.

Birth Control?

I take ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, and I enjoy no problems what so ever. It is not always assured to find a pill that will work successfully for you because everyone's body is different. Not to mention the fact that they are playing next to our estrogen, too much and we can have blood clots, not plenty and we get pregnant. This is the 3rd pill that I own been on. The 1st two be too strong and because of circulation problems, it was a better choice.

As far as side effects, all of them can impose depression, weight gain, breakthrough bleeding, blood clots, migraines, and bloating.

Just stick next to it, you'll find one that works. Good luck!!

Do i eat to much?

don't budge on dianette, it's not safe and coming rotten it gives you excess pelt.

lots of ppl have adverse reaction to it, turns alot of ppl into tearfull gibbering wrecks. although it does give you clear skin when ur on, coming stale is such a surge of hormone you can get fleece loss on your head, pelt all over your body and it does things to your ovaries too.

I be on it for a year and it ruined my life.

I have need of to lose 15 pounds before may 26.How can i do that?

Hi within! I just started using the Nuva Ring, it have a lower dose of estrogen then the pill (s) out in that. If you are not scared of have a ring inside of you, I would look into it. It has be great for me. I was on Modocon and I spotted for a complete month, broke out and was a you know what, on wheel. I switched to the Nuva Ring this this month, and have not have any problems. I would ask your doctor about it, if I be you. I love it!

Good luck!

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I used Cilest for a while (the doctor recommended it to me to back my skin) I didn't experience any moodiness or anything. But then again everyone is different.

What tampon/ wad brand do you use?

funnily enough I own been on adjectives 3 of those pills! I have poly cystic ovarian syndrom so diannette be reccommended for me as it's good for that, it be good while I be on it, it cleared up my skin. The thing next to diannette is it's advised you help yourself to a break after about a year or so when I come off my skin get a bit worse again. I went onto yasmin (for 3 months) & be dissapointed because I thought it wasn't as good on my skin, but to be honest I imagine I might just not own given it long enough. Then I go onto cilest (which is what I take now) & hold been taking for 3 months, so far it's okay & my skin have definitely superior. I think if I stay on longer it should verbs to improve.
To be honest though I didn't find much difference near any of them, I've never had spotting, my period have adjectives pretty much been impossible to tell apart on all of them, no better no worse, I find my moods catch worse no matter what pill I'm on, your doctor or nurse will know how to give you a pill that's suitable for you, but they appear to all pretty much do impossible to tell apart job to me! Good Luck :-)

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