Does any one know why my boobs would hurt and consistency really sore?


Please mother can't stroll properly.[its from past 10 years]doctor said theirs problem within the?

your periods coming?

I usually enjoy really heavy period and im usually stressed out but my last 2 period have be light?

are you pregnant?

What doctor should I turn to for hair loss?

You're pregnant

I have sex 3 days before my time, then when I get my period, it just lasted a sunshine?

there growing

What are Keg-gos?

You could be pregnant.

How many times should I receive sex before the penis get in in need hurting?

Hormonal changes.
Did you only just start birth control pills? Or change brands?
Could you be pregnant?

Best route to get rid of underarm down.?

have you been drinking a great deal of caffeine? that could be it, or it could be right before or after that time of the month.

I own been have a period but this month it's extraordinarily light & spotted for give or take a few 4 days later. What could it be?

getting arranged to pms

Does DIET effect your menstrual cycle?

either your period or your pregnant

9 year weak daughter has a tender lump in one breast - should I be concerned?

Well It could connote your pregnant.
Unless their is something else you are not telling us that happen to your boobs I'd recommend getting a pregnancy test.

Why is my time late?! [plan b taken in 48 hrs]?

Your menses approaching?

Why am I having cramps right after my interval ends?

either you're getting your period or you're close to 12 weeks pregnant.

Could this be a miscarriage?

cuz u r either
(1) pregnant
(2) or they r growing
(3) or they just r

I never clear up my hands after i pee-pee?

You could be pregnant...or its close or is that time of the month..or possibly they are growing....but just within case...walk to a doc..check for lumps...----breast cancer....

What is the diffrence?

PMS Time

Why are there contradicting waiting period when you're on the pill?

it can be iether ur pregnent ur getting you period ur boobs are growing or I don`t know u hav an infection

A question for women and doctors?

Someone played beside them too much and they are tender, OR is it possible you are pregnant?


period or pregnant

Does it hurt to have a extent?

If you have implant, and if you hapen to damage them disappointingly that makes you hurt, its the muscle stress that you complax and that your chest muscles dont easliy flex as you do next to the other muscles...I reccomend that you go straightforward on your chest and try to avoid disaster cause injurious your muscles is not a smart thing

Taking my birth control pills postponed.?

Pregnant, period or some other medical condition.....thorny to say? If it help, I could give them some doggie kisses for you.. lol.

My length is a week early for the 2d time is this usual?

1) you period is imminent
2)you are pregnant
3) you hold been consuming full-size amounts of coffee

Now that the secret of Herpes Hilton is out will she be the modern spokesperson for industrial strength rubbers?

Is someone sucking on them like perchance a baby or a boyfriend? Now dont,t you progress pullin on those.Could it be tight bra. This is so funny and the laugh is on you.

Traveling messes up my time, does that happen to anyone else?

let me check....

I masturbate roughly everyday but I can't orgasm. Ive tried other things but nothing seem to work. Any ideas?

u may be pregnant ? hold u been to the doctor to see if u be able to enjoy kids ? it could be caffiene . I asked the same cross-question go read my question and read the answers

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