Opinionsss on tampons?

I was wondering how I could ask my doctor nearly her opinion on tampon use. It's massively embarrassing and I be wondering some good ways to start the conversation. Also I'm fourteen and I dont want to collaborate to my mom or anything. I have a feminine pediatrician in a small town where on earth there isnt really abundantly of children or teens. Also I can talk to my doctor, basically not about this topic.


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Just remember this - doctors are bound to doctor-patient confidentiality, so within is NO chance anything you voice to her will be repeated! That said, ask away! There's no shame in asking these question, and you have to achieve your information from somewhere, and who better than from a professional! There is nothing to be flushed about. Periods start. Period (ha).

If I were within your shoes, I'd just be brutally honest: "Um, okay, I hold to admit I'm really, really confused about asking this, and I don't know the best channel to ask it, so I'm just going to come out and utter it...what's your opinion on tampons?"

You can do it! Good luck!

What can this be, term or something else?

just kinda ask her when the time feels right.

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Do you want to start using them? Get the slenders and try them for a while. Make sure you follow the directions so that you can't feel it when you stride or sit down. Change them every few hours. You can use a small pad for any extras that aren't occupied while you are trying them out. You shouldn't really have any difficulty beside them. Good luck

UK only please: I'll be visit my GUM clinic for an infection i have as i can't take to see my own doctor..?

What do you want to know? Maybe some of us here with experience can minister to you...Feel free to email me and I would be happy to bestow you some advice :)

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i would be careful wearing tampons because if you put on more than one at a time it can be headache ful

Help Urgent PLZ Girls only Answer This!?!?!!?!?

Look tampons are not a sexual item they are a health and hygene issue. Don't be silly and be flushed, just ask for information including benefits and possible problems on the different types of santiary protection after make your mind up.

Just Wondering?

ask a friends mom if u a upset to ask your mom
all women are contained by the same boat so i bet u could ask mom and she would be cool beside her ans
after all didnt she translate your diapers?

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you asked this yesterday and i gave you a clearly fine answer.

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Well, if I be you I would start the conversation casually, next ease into a bit.. and your doctor will get.. i mean she is a women.. and it is her charge to help her patients.. .. so don't verbs to much about it.
Good luck =D

I'm for a while bit naive but is it possible for a woman to bring pregnant if the guy pulls out before he climaxes

I'm 15 n use tampons i find them great but during your cycle u should other use a pad 2 cut down on TTS use a low absobet tampon n dont move in longer afterwards 4hrs, dont sleep in a tampon, never use a tampon if your not havin a extent!
Good luck an docs don mind as ppl ask all d time n remember relax wen insertin d tampon:)

Could I be pregnant or is this common?

i know a little bit going on for tampons, yeah they help somewhat but i've heard so tons cases when they got stuck or cause a disease and many other medical problems. but frequent girls take that risk. i'm worried to use them myself and i wont. still u should talk to your doctor or pediatrician and dont be afraid to, thats what they're for. i dont really come up with tampons are that bad. simply wait until you communicate to your doctor.

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Your doctor have heard much worse, believe me. You don't necessitate to feel embarassed. Your doctor isn't going to intercede you, and I'm sure has be asked the same question before. She probably asked her mom or her doctor when she started her term!

If you're still not comfortable asking your doctor, check your insurance policy ... a lot of them own free ask-a-nurse helplines that you can call. Maybe you'll be smaller quantity nervous asking someone who doesn't know you and can't see you.

You might want to rethink chitchat to your mom. I bet she would be a lot more intellectual capacity than you think.

Good luck sweety!

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If you speak to your doctor about this you can perceive confident and safe that she will not inform your mom. It's called Doctor/Patient confidentality and she cannot relay anyone. As far as starting the conversation, just come out and ask her if it is past the worst for you to use them yet, you would be suprized how masses questions she get like that every morning. Now on a personal note... If you are singular 14 then you might want to consider waiting on using Tampons. They are really over rate and can be very self-conscious if your cervix is not big enough for them. Also they can mete out problems like UTI's and other serious complications if you don't use them correctly. If you perceive that you are ready next ask your peditrician to show you the proper use of a Tampon BEFORE you start using them.

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i can probably construe at your age being embarrased. There be alot I couldnt talk to my mom give or take a few, but she knew adjectives of my problems. it shouldnt matter what the topic is, near feminine questions to another woman, they realize, and have be through the same item, so they could probably give you the best warning. dont be embarrased, just tell.

Could this just be hormones?

tampons do not stir in the cervix, this is to the idiot that posted that.

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