Is it mundane to have unkempt nipples?

i have a few hair on my nipples and have be shaving them off thinking nought off it. immediately i'm concerned that its not normal?

I don't enjoy periods. But if i appropriate a garlic pill several days in a row i will start it.?

some ppl are only more hairy after others i am a little hirsute but if u worry next see a doctor

Do you still ovulate when your periods are irregular?

It's completely middle-of-the-road. I usually pluck them out (ouch!) but I only hold a few blonde hairs that crop up from time to time. If you are still concerned, see your OB/GYN now. But I think it's no big matter. (shaving might make the mane grow back careful)

Has anyone ever have a negative urine check at the doc and ended up person pregnant?

It is normal,, trust me! I wouldn't recommend shaving them though as it make them coarser. Try having them lasered, threaded or tweezered instead.

This is my first time using tampons?

Totally average.

An artist friend of mine (who is a bit wierd) wants to do an artwork something like them to advertise to the world that women hold nipple hair!

What do you judge about a girl that a short time ago turned 12 being 5'7"?

Yes, this is impeccably normal. I newly snip these hairs bad with scissors but basically be very watchful. A friend of mine has used a laser quill removal machine and it seem to have worked for her, but I'm a bit reluctant to try anything resembling that. I'm not sure if these machines do any long term defacement! Please don't use hair removal creams and stop worrying. You're okay!

Anybody try climatique- does it work?

yea its usual but dont shave them it could cause serios wounded jus put nair on them

26f complaining of irregular menstruation, why?

yes and wait til you carry thick pitch-black hair on your chin and lip too...ah the joy of being a actual woman in an airbrushed age!

Serioulsy though it really is mundane.

Whats wrong with me?!?

Yes...unfortuantly i do, dont shave them or youll completion up having afros on your nipples... trying simply trimming them off!!

Is it okay to transport ibuprofen or tylenol while on birth control?

Yes, it's normal.

I've be using the Nuvaring for 2 I protected from pregnancy yet?

Any woman that tell you they don't have them is any lying or will eventually have them. I own mine treated through electrolysis or you can put a bit of wax on them and use your fingers to remove the individual hairs. Don't put a wax strip on and afterwards remove. Also, don't pluck, it supposedly encourages growth.

What don't i enjoy my period? im 14.?

yeh its run of the mill

Why after you have sex your stomach hurt?

Yes cos we adjectives have ahiry nipples dont we

Is This NORMAL??

It's middle-of-the-road but DON'T shave!

they'll come back thicker and dark!!

they need to be bleached, or plucked/waxed!


What time of year?

erm... economically yh women do gt hairs on their nipples right but i havent nonetheless...
true... shaving makes them coarser
trust me unless u want thicker n dark hairs convey on shaving. try plucking or that laser thingy

Can you tell nearly medcine anddoctor?

yes its normal bring the hairs beaded

Can I nick prenatal vitamins?

nothing to worry roughly speaking but stop shaving you will only net it worse.

PMS Question?

It's not unusual, but is indicative of relatively high level of the male hormone testosterone. The most feminine women don't enjoy such hair and most women prefer to remove any such traces of manliness.

What would you do if you found out your daughter was masturbating?

its majority

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