Effexor wirthdrawls?

Yesterday I stopped Effexor... So far soo good. I almost surface like Im hungover. Ive be on it for 2yrs.. 175mg. Since my insurance was canelled I cant afford $3 a pill. I also hold 4 children. I almost feel resembling a drug addict. Only this be given to me by a Doctor. Im starting to get my emotion back...For 2yrs i be almost a zombie.... I didnt notice till i stopped the pills.... Has anyone be through this?? I pray for Jesus to give me strehght. Some one please give support to..

A Ring over there?

I hold been on this medication for 2 years, I get too day 4 and be nearly committed.... This medication should not be stopped suddenly, go and see your doctor, I'm sure they can hand over you enough sample to wean yourself off it..

Everyone is different, but my renunciation symptoms were, anxiety, sweating, shaking, race uncontrollable thoughts, crying, confusion etc....

I yearning you the best off luck.

Guys other tell me that my breasts are perky, what exactly do they have it in mind?!?

Just stay strong. That is some baaad stuff. You may feel little shocks and electricity top. You will feel similar to your equilibrium is off. But it does move about away in a few days. You really should be weaned sour of it gradually.

Eating 2 much?

Dear Sister,

Jesus will bless you and your children...
Sometimes we pinch that medication because we need it afterwards our "tank" is filled and we do not call for it anymore...

GODBLESS YOU and release you from any pain xox

I own a ?

You really should not stop any antidepressant cold. My doctor told me to stop my medication a little bit at a time. You might want to check beside a Health Care Professional.

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Lord back YOU!, i went through alot of withdrawels, and the warning are SOOO true, i thought that they werent, but they are. And i too stopped the pills due to emotion restriction, i appreciate exactly what your saying, and im just 17, but i have have alot of problems in that nouns, but yes along with cheer comes loads of anger, and it'll all symmetry out eventually, but people will become aware of that you seem somewhat aggrivated at times, just chill, and you might even find your self crying for no adjectives reason, also due to your emotion finallly working properly agian........andrew

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I pocket 75mg 1 a day and find it simply perfect..Istarted out at 2 but found it too much. my dr prompted me to go by my senses so I did ..i've missed a time here and there when my tummy be upset so did'nt take any and have no problems ..I think it works for me on a weaker strength..I,m consciousness in better spirits ( after 1 year of taking) aR

Have you ever peed yourself when stuck in a traffic preserve?

I haven't taken this medicine, but I be on 2 antidepressants (imiprimine and prozac), anti anxiety med (was xanax, but went to closapam at the close, of taking my meds) and zyprexa ( for stuttering)

Well it'll be a little tough the first month or two, as your achievement your emotions fund, at times your body make surface quite unpromising for a few weeks, but after that, it gets moderately a a better everyday (after the very first withdraw symptoms over), as you gain rear, to where you be before pills.

Ladies, cross-question please, only ladies, unbelievably important!?

Yes that have happened to me. You can't merely stop it without comfort from your doctor. Your doctor can find something that your insurance can cover and that will work for you. I really feel for you. I win sooooo sick after just a hours of daylight or so. But I have be on them for like 5 or 6 years. Please telephone call the doctor and get give support to to do this correctly. You need adjectives the help you can get hold of. Good Bless and keep praying for the give support to that you need.

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