
My friend told me that she woke up having an orgasm but she didnt remember dreaming going on for anything is this normal? have this happened to you?


Childbirth cramp?

Wet dreams? Sure! I orgasm in my sleep pretty often, and usually can't remember my dreams.

At lowest when girls come in their sleep it's greatly less messy than guys have a wet dream!

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I'm timid of how common the "womanly 'wet' dream" is, but I can speak about you that I've experienced this at least twice. Both times I enjoy no recollection of what I was dreaming almost, I just woke up mid-orgasm, approaching it woke me up.

How long after stop taking Lexapro can I expect to lose weight?

Lol. Yes this have happened to me a few times.
As far as I know,it's fine.
However awkward it may be =D

Do women usually have a starchy period when they are have a herpes outbreak?

Yes, normal, yes it have happened to me...should we adjectives be so lucky tomorrow morning!!

I've had cramps for three days in a minute, but my cycle hasn't officially started, is that conventional?

Its totaly normal, it happen to everyone.

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