After sex my boyfriend cums inside me. roughly 5 min later everything comes subsidise out?

why does this happen? what does this connote.


Period question?

It's gravity and your body cleaning itself out. But this doesn't show there still isn't little sperm still contained by you.

Good luck =)

Free samples? will draw from you every time.

Starting my second pack of Trinessa do I need to use another support up?

Normal .. that's gravity.

Bladder infection..?

That is called semen backflow, and it's completely ordinary. Since your cervix is closed, there is no method for it to go but out again. So, a moment ago wash thoroughly and forget in the order of it!

Does sperm live on even if it dries out?

If you do not know, then you are not dated enough to be have sex!

How long does it take period to become regular?

That's normal. You should be concerned just about getting an STD or getting pregnant since you are not using protection. All of it doesn't come back out, a few hundred million sperm stay inside you.

Natural ways to stifle the side effects of 'that time of the month'?

What goes surrounded by must come out. It's normal.

Please tutor yourself more about sex until that time you wind up next to an STD or unplanned pregnancy.

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