Girl trouble!/!?!?

I started my periods yesterday and they are really hearvy! Is this average?Plz hel cuz i havent got a clue! I am 13.

Will i still grow?

~It's not matching with every girl. When I started, I have a heavy flow too. Don't verbs, it will slow down, then stop.
You involve to let your mom or another woman know, so she can sustain you.
There is no reason to be afraid, it's be going on before children be born.~

What can i do..?

yeah! you go girl! that's merely like me. i return with it like starchy one month, not heavy the other month. its super typical. i asked my doc that, nad she said it was fine. and not to verbs.

Is it normal to be on your length for over 3 months?

Yeah its okay i got my interval when i was 12. They might be substantial at first, belive me your period is realy confusing. But if they capture too too bad after you should go to the doctor. But my spell is sometimes heavy too.

Masturbation?! (help?!)?

i make out i had my first interval at 8yrs old mine be heavy every immediately and then im 18 in a minute i had a time so heavy and long it last 3 wks the cramps were unbarable but i go to a doctor and he said i had over involved ovaries plus im annemic so that didnt help shift to a doctor if its too heavy he will more than imagined suggest birthcontrol its not only for prevention from babies but it help regulat periods or he'll perscribe a med that youll hold to take for 3weeks that should serve thyem level out but i wouldn't wry at the moment keep on til your next term then articulate to your mom about seeing a doc if it hsnt changed

Lost of apatite (sp)?

Yes, have periods for a time can be everyday, especially when starting out. The reason is because the body is trying to adjust to the change going on inside. It takes around 2 years or so for the periods to regulate themselves.

However, if you are starting to enjoy cramps that make it tricky to function you can try a heating wipe and also upping the level of iron during this time by ingestion things like spinach, raisins, peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course).

Also, please convey your mom so that she can give you second information.

And if you do have cramping and none of the things I suggested works please notify your mom because then it requests to be evaluated by a dr to see what they think is going on.

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