I feel similar to im getting my period but its not time however?

my stomach feels crampy and my boobs r sore but its merely benn 20 days since my last perios and they are usually at lowest 35 days apart. ive only have it for a year and a half and i lately started antibiotics about 4 days ago for acne. i itch down within kinda too. what the heck is wrong with me?! im kinda freaking out bc me and my fam are traveling this weekend and im itchy and crampy when i shouldnt be. please support me

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When you take antibiotics it can incentive a yeast infection. If you are not sexually active it might purely be a yeast infection. just shift to the drug store and pick something up. And as for you menstrual cycle you only have it for a year so it's subject to change it's cycle. I won't verbs much.. Good Luck Dear

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Could you be pregnant? Maybe just an infection. Make an appointment beside your ob/gyn

The Pill or pregnancy?

At 20 days into your cycle, it's possible you are experiencing PMS. When you ovulate, the hormone levels within your body fluctuate, causing change in the path you feel. This will explain the pain in your breasts and the cramps surrounded by your stomach.

Similarly, the antibiotics could be affecting your body. Check the prescription information provided by your doctor for possible side effects.

Tell me how to prepare for a period.?

it's middle-of-the-road for your period to 'adjustment' it's cycle even after you've regulated. But as for the itching...you can get products to combat that. Are you on BC?

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Sounds like you could hold a yeast infection. Antibiotics may get rid of the acne but they also decimate off any virtuous bacteria contained by your system. Which leaves an opening for yeast to start taking over. Yogurt can comfort (activia would be a good one because it have good microbes.) You could also consider taking acidophilus supplements. One with at most minuscule 5-6 billion active cultures/organisms per medication 2 or 3 times a day will oblige.

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If you just started antibiotics you could be getting a yeast infection, that would rationalization for the itchiness. The rest sounds like PMS.

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