When have sexual intercourse i perceive as if theres a rough pressure inside.?

.the pain but mostly pressure is rite above my pubic area(right were my cramps are). What could be cause this??

I own stretch results on my breasts. I'm lone thirteen. I obligation to draw from rid of them. Please Help!?

If you’re experiencing pain during or after sex there may be several factor that are contributing to the pain you feel. For women nearby are a number of physical conditions that may make sex hurt, including:

* Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
* Endometriosis
* Ovarian cysts
* Interstitial cystitis
* Vaginismus
* Vulvodynia
* Some sexually transmitted diseases
* Urinary infections
* Yeast infections
* Vaginal dryness
* Physical injury and chronic niggle

I would recommend that if you experience pain during or after sex that you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation and to rule out any serious cause.

Good luck :)

Stomach cramping time...or pregnant?

Wierdly enough, it could be that your constipated and the *poop* is creating pressure in near more so then normal sex. Ask your partner if they be aware of anything wierd when your having sex, if they feel it to, (like a tough spot or edge that hurts or feel unnatural) its most probable a hard bowl movement. In that case try fiber :)

How do you?

worst grip scenario, you could have endometriosis. its scar tissue that in general occurs in the uterus, growing outside oof it. Pelvic inflammitory disease also have painful sex. or constipation.

EXTREME spine loss.?

You probably have a cyst, fibroids or even STDs basis pain. Get checked fast. If you don't own health insurance, you can always run to your nearest Planned Parenthood for free or really cheap.

Blood within pubic spike?

you might have to take a crap. or if its more in close proximity your ovaries you might have a cyst. (or their swollen) you should really talk to your OB/GYN.

Is this ordinary until that time your term? (GIRLS ONLY PLZ)?

my friend have this same problem..

she went & had a pap & it come back she had a cyst on her ovary.

seize checked out

I hold lost interest surrounded by have sex.?

A huge penis maybe...or you are shallow

How do u know if your prego?

I still haven't started my spell and its be four months since my csection.?
Changes after coming rotten the pill?
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