Why Havn't I started my period!!!...

It is not that I am really old I am still a preteen but I hold all the change you need to hold for your period. And I am a short time freaked out cause adjectives my friends have at hand's. I am left out and freaked out cuase I don't know when I am going to bring it. I would talk to my mom around this except my real mom is unmoving. I have a really perfect step mother but we havn't really talked give or take a few this kind of stuff. I inevitability help! please anything I assume I am going to start by next week. I can grain it! I just don't know what to do. Advice would really relief me so, please.

Does plan B emergency contraception work if you only nick 1 pill? I?

Settle down and try not to worry almost it. There is no set age for starting and you may not until you are in your late teens.

If you conjecture you are going to, then freshly make sure you keep hold of a pad within your purse. You need to have a chat to you step mom or another adult feminine about it, She will probably be glad to answer your question.

Birth control pills and cramps?

You have to achieve at least 40kg body counterbalance before your body will originate cycling.
It will come in time and when you have it you will want you didn't so don't panic it will start

Is there anything wrong beside me?

That's a question for a doctor, dear, and not thousands of society on the internet. Have some pride about yourself.

What be this feeling?

Some girls don't start until they're 15 or 16, so relax. And you hold no idea if adjectives these other girls are telling you the truth. How do you know they enjoy already started? If you are a pre-teen, then you are still quit youthful. Calm down.
I'm sorry your mother died, but instead of asking a bunch of strangers online, you really should talk to your step-mother roughly speaking this. She'll be the one to get you pad, tampons, etc. OR what do you plan on doing when you start? Not use any pads or tampons because she isn't your birth mother? You're individual silly.

Blood type question?

I presume that you are 12 or younger. Chill. It'll transpire. I had friends that started at 10 and friends that started at 17. It be the real withered girls who started late and VERY athletic girls or girls that be anorexic we just didn't KNOW that's what be wrong with them surrounded by the 60s. PLEASE do not rush the "period thing". It is a mess, a spasm (literally) and you'll have to start watching the calendar and following when you become sexually active it's gonna be nought but a panic and a headache until you hit menopause - be there, done that, have five babies and now it's ALL OVER and I am GLAD!

For the Lady's single please?

Getting ya period can come to pass at any time, some people dont draw from it till they are like 13 or 14 even latter, If you body is going though all the change then its boynd to begin sooner or later. Maybe try chitchat to ya step mum she you maybe competent to explain more too you.

If i the clinic says im not pregnant later why is the aerola getting darker?

first rotten how old are you? and newly because your friends have gotten theirs doesnt tight you have to take yours. but if you say you fell it after it ,ight come, but there is no constant age to start your period. i started mine childlike but my friends didnt start theirs till like a yr or two after me and some route before me. it a short time ago depends on your body. and i wouldnt want it!lol its a pain contained by the as* it gets so annoying. but if you reason you might be gettin yours soon then budge to the store and buy some pads or tampons whichever you perfer for when you do start you will be in position. any more questions draw from at me!!

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