Can a girl still go and get pregent if her "cherry" isnt popped?

I had my penis director in and I thought something come out so I was wondering if it matter since she is a virgin

Women have special soap and creams to save them fresh down there?

Of course in that is a chance she could get hold of pregnant. Penetration is not necessary for pregnancy to ensue. The hymen does not completely cover the opening of the vagina, in that are holes in it to allow for menstruation, so it is not a protective ring against pregnancy. Anytime you are going to have your penis anywhere close by her vagina you should be wearing a condom.

Are infrequent periods a sign of individual less fertile?


Is 36B.?

no,with the sole purpose if the Hyman is broken,which it can be just by riding a enjoy no way of knowing if its broken or not.
the Hyman act as a barrier preventing particle getting inside the vagina.

Sex changes.?

there is a prospect yes

Guys: Do most of you really care if your womanly friends or girlfriends have for a while cellulite?

The liquid that forms on the guide of the penis during arousal contains sperm.

Did you know?

A female can become pregnant wearing panties... if a mannish is rubbing his penis on the panties. This happens because most (young) men's sperm is extremely live and, with lately a little vaginal fluid, the sperm can find it's opening to the egg.

Breaking the hymen (cherry) is not necessary and have one does not prevent pregnancy. Many females do not have their hymen broken until their first call in to a doctor for a pelvic exam.

The best defense against pregnancy is not having sex. The second best is using a condom during any hustle and bustle involving placing the penis and vagina in close contact.

HELP my foot!!?

Yes. The hymen is NOT a barrier.

Treatment option for large ovarian cyst?

YES! It happen to my friend, we called her virgin Mary cuz she didn't fully own sex, just approaching your situation

I just want to ask how will i know that i can be pregnancy?

Absolutely. As mentioned above, the hymen typically doesnt cover the entire vaginal space,and in any event isnt a steel forcefield. Some women's hymens never hole. Also, just because she is a virgin, doesn't be a sign of her hymen is even in tact. Be tight-fisted and take precautionary measures.

Hope to hold helped.

My Five Year Old Daughter is have a female issue.?

Yes , you could impregnate her even when the principal is inside and you ejaculate even a small amount of semen. Sperm can swim a long way to find the egg if it is in place and bamm....
Happy Fathers Day..

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