My period is unpunctually?

its normally regular but its just about 4 days late what shud i do?

Skate Bording Fall?

Are you sexually involved? If so, and you've had sexual intercourse since your end menstrual period, you should bear a pregnancy test if you don't go and get your period contained by the next three days.

If you're not sexually alive or have have a period since the finishing time you've had sex, I wouldn't be too concerned just about being four days slow or even skipping a period completely one month if you're usually regular. Lots of different things resembling stress and change surrounded by diet can affect your menstrual cycle, and until you are consistently late (as contained by a few months go by and you verbs to be irregular), or you skip more than two periods, you don't have need of to see a doctor, you're probably fine. It's perfectly mundane for someone--even a perfectly well woman--to be late or skip a time of year once in a while, but if the problem persist it could be a sign of female condition issues like ovarian cysts or endometriosis, which are adjectives and easily treated conditions when caught untimely enough.

Shorter length?

nothing, that's not abnormal, economically unless you have be involved in sexual activity.

How do I sleep confidently on my back?

periods are forever varying do not worry

How do you enlighten if you have a small or huge vagina?

Thats normal it will come. I don't infer you should do anything. I know but its true. I read if your period comes two months behind time that is conventional! So yep don't worry. :)

If your spell is on time and you own a heavy flow near clots/discharge could you be pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test or if your childish cool down it sometimes skips

I had my finishing period on june 6th and i be suppose to get it today. am i behind time?

don't stress it. it can be late untimely. mine is regular but once it was 2 weeks slow! but if you are really worried then budge to your doctor.

I have a huge butt.what do i do to weaken it?

get atest done to see if you are pregnant

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Take a pregnancy test contained by a week from now. If it is unworkable that you are pregnant, it can be tense (exam? spanking new job? problems near your friend/husband?) If that is not the make happen then keep on a couple of days and still not menstruating go to a doctor.

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its not unusual for period to delay a bit it sometimes happen to mean and at hand is no need to hysterics ! wait some more days i recommend up to a week and see is your period start or not, then consider making an appointment to your Dr and if nearby is a problem he is probably gonna give you some contraceptive pills as they use it for menstrual cycle problems aswell!

u shud merely be worried if you had unprotected sex not long!

Why did my period disconnectedly stop?

If you have be sexually active, move about to the doctors for a preganacy test ... dont use a store bought one. They arent other reliable.

If you havent been moving, dont worry. Periods are not an exact science and dont other show on time. Give it a few more days if you havent have sexual activity and consequently speak to your doctor if it still hasnt arrived.

How long after should I start my period?

I would run a couple more days then jump see a doctor if it still hasn't come.

Do belly rings casue stretch marks around your belly button while your pregnant?

unless your sexually involved dont worry more or less it your cycle may be changing if youve be sexually active even if you use condoms next you should take a try-out

Yaz birth control?

Your cycle must be _extremely_ regular, if you think 4 days is belated! Don't sweat it. Could be stress, diet, exercise; and your body is always varying. I've skipped periods entirely, no individual reason. Give it some time, and lug a pregnancy test if that's an issue.

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