Masturbating too Early?

I started masturbating when I was 11 years prehistoric, before I know what sex and masturbation were. I still do it in the region of once or twice a day. Do you assume that it's weird? Also, do you estimate that it'll affect the way I am within bed in any bearing?


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I didn't know that women do masturbate too. I anticipate I knew but didn't know that masturbating women are more than 50 % of women in adjectives. wow. Well it is good to explore yourself but try avoiding frequent masturbation. Like don't do it everyday close to some people do. Later you will be addicted. It is okay to do it once or twice a week. And at this point for your age we cannot name it masturbation because not all your organs are developed as they would when you are 18 or above. You will own the full pleasure when your body and brain are full developed and you understand it. Just be cautious not to put your fingers inside the vagina, so you will not break the hymen. The hymen is not normally shabby by playing sports, using tampons, pelvic examinations or even straddle injuries.Once a girl reaches puberty, the hymen tend to become quite pliable. It is not possible to determine whether a woman uses tampons or not by examining her hymen: simply 43% of women report bleeding the first time they had sex; which manner that in the other 57% of women the hymen probable stretched enough that it didn't rupture.
An intact hymen has long and erroneously be considered the hallmark of female virginity .
I suggestion you to read some educational books abput your body or in recent times do a search within wikipedia I'm sure you will find information and they will help you to find answers. Keep on exploring yourself. Good luck and remember other to clean hand and wash your body .

Here are some worthy information that I found you can read them.

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im 13 and do it alot

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know i dont think it will affect you within any way dont verbs your ok lol good luck

What is a .? READ?

wow, females who truly admit that they masterbate. 2 thumbs up for the honesty

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Actually 11 isnt that babyish at all. I skilled 1 yr olds and a few of them would rub themselves to sleep. Some would even shove things down their pants while they be on their cots. Its natural... most kids do it. Now I prepare kindergarten and I have 2 children that still "rock" as they rest.. I a short time ago make sure they purify their hands honourable when they wake up.

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u are sooo normal. its not even funny.

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I didn't start masturbating till a few years ago. Ugh... and that makes me WEIRD.

It's okay to masturbate. Actually, it is the wholesome thing to do. You wouldn't want to grip in sex at such an impulsive age. It is good that you know your body. And no, you will in reality be better in bed 'mete out you will be able to describe your partner what pleases you and not depend on him to make you . Good luck!

Regarding the no time for 6 months question.?

Don't verbs your normal. I started aroud 11 or 12 too. Most babies and toddlers play near themselves without realize it.


it's perfectly typical

plus knowing your body and what feels fitting to you will help you function better when you do enjoy a partner

Someone please help me through this misery..please.?

Not too untimely... Most people basically discover something that really feels polite. You are perfectly ordinary. It won't effect the way that you are contained by bed, except that you now know how polite he better make you be aware of. :)

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Mari, you are quite, fairly normal and it is really not weird. I don't comparatively know what you mean something like affecting the way you are contained by bed, but if you mean giving and delivery pleasure with a partner, no, it will cause no difference.

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its alright i started at alike time. Its completly normal. don't stop. its a great instrument to stay away from sex. if your not ready for sex and wont be capable of handle the consequences and u carry a sex drive then its a great channel to stay away.

Is It Safe?

I have notice alot of men and women started masturbating before they even know what exactly they were doing. All we know was it feel good. So, beside that it's normal, and no it will not affect how you are surrounded by bed.

I need some help out with my body!!?

actually thats a adjectives age to start. Most guys start at 11-12 to. And the more u do it the better love u will be or in bed is what i intended. And 2 times a day is ordinary for younger guys and girls so dont be ashamed of doin it

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I started masturbating when I be 10, and still do it just going on for every day. It have not had a impossible effect on how I am when I am with a guy. Actually, it have a good effect, because since I know how to please myself, I can detail or show him how.

You are completely normal and hold nothing to verbs about.

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