What's a well brought-up way to stop a calorific period at dark?

I seem to own WICKED heavy period at night...I use a tampon and super sticky pad. I also lay down a piddle wipe so blood doesnt stain my sheets. Somehow though I get it so unhealthy that it leaks through the tampon, covers the wad completely and all on the piddle wad! So what can I do, besides getting meds for it?

Really important press (girls should answer).?

Set your alarm so that you can change surrounded by the middle of the night. That's the just thing you can do really.

I used to hold the same problem when I started the pill.

Ladies, can you please answer this honestly?

not much, but if mine be that bad, i'd be on my doctor's phone ASAP.

Girls.. HELP!?

okay use the tampon and the mega wad still, just criss cross two pad together and maybe put a towel underneath wear you sleep, or you could ask a doctor.

I dont know what to do?

You can't fool mother nature.And trust me. She is a bi!

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You know, at hand is a new birth control pill call Loestrin 24 that is supposed to virtually stop your period. You could discuss with your dr. if you would be a flawless candidate for those pills or not and that could possibly significantly dampen your flow.

I took them for a few months and my period be only long-term like 2-3 days on them, but I instinctively didn't like the other side effects from them, so that's why I stopped them, but as far as the flow, they worked for that pretty suitable.

A blood test indicated that my TSH even is 4.62 what does this mean?

Setting an alarm is what I do. I also use the Instead soft cup and afterwards the tampon, with the overnight wipe. But I still have to set an alarm. I go off the Seasonale pill and they returned to one heavy. I already enjoy an appointment to go rear to the doctor about renewing my Seasonale pills, it be great a period one and only 4 times a year (once every 3 months). And it was so much lighter and didn't ultimate as long. I strongly recommend it!

My friend just have a miscarriage and I don't know what to say.?

dont sleep near a tampon in

Period/Blood problem.. please give support to me im really scared!?

go see a FEMALE gyno doc

Estorgen/BCP related headache remedies?

Talk to your doctor asap.

If it is so fatty that it leaks through tampons and pad it could be something serious!

You can't stop a heavy term except for getting on birth control pills.

Seasonale gives you four period a year and the new birth control pill Lybrel give you no periods a year. With Lybrel, its so clean I don't know the long term affects (with regard to conceiving and getting off of the pill) as okay as side affects and other issues to really recommend it. I've heard population love Seasonale though.

Could taking contraceptive pill cause doomed to failure skin?

well i guess change your wad right b4 and right after bed oset your alarm

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