Vaginal bleeding a year after the birth of my third child. My GP has sent me for an ultra-sound subsequent week.?

I'm worried, a about what the effect may be and need
suggestions from other mothers who've experienced a similar condition.

People may read this and wonder why it took me a year to aim professional advice... I suffer from a severe Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia, OCD, Depression and Panic Disorder.)....., precipitated by the birth of my first child 5 years ago. My third child turned 1 surrounded by January.Social Phobia makes me overly concerned around what other's think. I horror experiencing a Panic Attack in front of people so intensely, that it certainly precipitates the attack! My only road to avoid these terrifying and disabling attacks is to avoid my the creeps - socialization. And that includes tasks like shopping and appointments.

I would also desperately appreciate any inspirational suggestion about how Mum's own coped juggling the demands of nouns with their own Anxiety Disorder. I regularly see a psychiatrist who have me on 4 different medications.

Morning after pill. 60 hours. Period belatedly?

You spent more time describing your anxiety disorder than the real problem "vaginal bleeding". You did not grant enough information on this issue . Is it between period? Are you nausea? Are you in throbbing? Is there a discharge? & as far as your anxiety go,,,you say you are takung 4 different medication? Are all of them anti-anxiety pills? It seem like alot of prescribed meds for anxiety. The med's are probably the underlying inflict of your intense anxiety. Sounds like you obligation to wean off at most minuscule 2 of them.

My 10 yo daughter just told me she saw fluffy red color when she wiped. I discussed beside her about period and

Your vaginal bleeding may be attributed to sex.

However, you're doing the right thing by seeking professional medical keeping.

You suffer from Agoraphobia which can be 100% cured.

Good Luck!

Is fingering meant to hurt?

You may basically have an endometrial polyp. They are highly common and can be removed surrounded by office. It could be a few other benign conditions that they can smoothly treat. They can also do it as a diagnostic test to rule out anything worse.

Ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure to be exact worth doing.
So just help yourself to calm reflective breaths and do it, if not for you for your kids

My pussey keep producing fur balls. What should I do?

It could be adjectives kinds of things. I have kind of one and the same problem as you. They gave me an ultra nouns to see if I had any cysts or ovarian cancer, etc. Everything turned out to be fine.

Don't verbs so much. It will make it even more mortified. Good luck. Hope everything turns out alright.

What weight is regular?

Agoraphobia is the fear of wide-ranging open spaces, which doesn't nouns like what your are describing.

Don't know what to convey you on the female issues near the info provided. It leaves many details out.

As far as the anxiety, OCD, et al, and child rearing, be there, done that. Difficult it will be, but I've never specified a mother who said that being a perfect parent is a gravy job. Take extra suitable care of yourself, holistically so that you can nick good diligence of your kids.

Good luck.

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I only had a child 9months ago and don't breast feed. I haven't have a cycle in forever. I didn't step to the doctor until last week. Being a mother who have time for that :)

I have anxiety disorder as ably. In certain places or next to certain folks. We all enjoy it at one point or another. Its great your getting medical attention from a doctor. Most people wouldn't which finances your on track to getting your anxiety under control.

If you like to ever talk to someone distribute me an email anytime. My yahoo messenger is [email protected] Its always nice to hold other mommies to talk too.

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