Taking Yasmin?
yes i appropriate the yasmin and it takes my time of year 3-4 days before it starts once i start on the sugar pills, you own only be on it for a month so give your body some time to receive use to it.
its a great pill, it has cleared my skin up as resourcefully!! and there is no freight gain or water retention at adjectives!!
Can you still put the Nuvaring in even if you are on your period?
Dear everyone,Do not start taking Yasmin and if you are already taking it, quit! It is an extremely treacherous pill and several surveys show symptoms such as death, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism etc.
Try and google "Yasmin thrombosis" and you will further information on the sights of bmj and abortnet.
I get bilateral deep artery thrombosis from taking Yasminelle for only 5 weeks!
All the best from Julie
Just continue taking the pills as prescribed, sometimes it take a while for the body to adjust to a birth control pill.
Just a note... adjectives birth control pills do carry the risk of strokes and clots. However, if you are not a smoker, the risk does lessen. Sometimes it is a difficult ruling to go on the pill. In my bag, I'm on the pill called Yaz, and not taking it is a risk for me, as I suffer from severe PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). My risk of not taking it... suicide. I be highly suicidal once a month.
Like I said... verbs taking it as prescribed, and if your period still doesn't show, later call your gyn. There is a kismet that you might need to get a switch.
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