What does a cramp be aware of resembling?

when u get ur period, wat do the cramps quality like?

Answers:    Dull pain surrounded by your stomach or your back. The pain can grain like a sharp stab when you move suddenly.

To prevent them, drink lots of water around the time of your spell, and do some exercise - it really can help to go for a stride or go swimming (remember your tampons if you're swimming!).

If the pain is severe and you can't move slickly, then you can try taking ibuprofen (advil) or acetominophen (tylenol) in small amounts. You can also try putting rime or hot packs (get them at your drugstore) on your stomach area or your pay for. If neither of those strategies work, see a doctor for more treatment..
As for me, it feels like somebody is ram something into my belly. Like someone is trying to rip me open. Whenever these cramps occur, I grain like throwing up, my blood pressure is real low and I'm close to faint.
That's why some clever people invented pain relievers ;-)! Can't stand it in need. For me, it kinda feels like someone is squeezing my insides really, really tight, so I enjoy to bend over or roll up in a ball. Now, when I certificate light cramps (which will eventually lead to unwieldy cramps), I just take an Aleve or Tylenol and that works for me..
It depends, some lucky women will seize very little or no pain at adjectives but for others it can be very servere. Don't be too scared though, there's lots of throbbing relief available try exercise or a hot water bottle if it get worse you can use painkillers. i don't really know but from wat my friends say its a really really bad tummy twinge (a)_(a).
i haven't had cramps YET but i just carry like a little discomfort in my tummy
i would last through the morning with that.
Its like an hurting in your lower stomach. Mine really hurt and make me be aware of sick but its only for the first day of my time of year i get these pains. Have you ever been punched or kicked surrounded by the stomach HARD? It feels something like that..
If you don't know, after you don't have them. You'll know when you get them. Like a twisting dull pain your lower belly. .
It feels like departure. a cramp feels like a stomach hurting :p just it can be worse.
it feels similar to sever pain in your lower stomach

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