Why do women win bladder infections after sex?

Is it because the guy isn't clean? Is it better for the both party to shower or pee before sex? I hear having a strapping dose of vitamin C and drinking cranberry juice help prevent it, is that true?

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The womanly ureathra is shorter and the opening to the uninary tract is close to the anus thereby germs can enter if the anal area is touched and consequently the opening touched introducing microbes into the urinary tract, it ia true that peeing after sex will wash away the microbes.

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Yes they can and what is more common is a Urinary Tract infection or yeast infection. Yes I suggest you both stay verbs and pee right after having sex even if they haven't come inside. Trick the doctor told me. Also pure cranbery tablets or drops are the best for infections. The sugar int he cranberry juices the little buggers only feed stale of it and often it really doesn't backing that much. Drink lots of water.

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Yes it is noteworthy to pee first and a diaphragm can increase the infection. There are antibiotics for bladder infections

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Women enjoy a tendency for urinary tract infections because germs (which already lives in that area) travels into the urethra. During permeation the bacteria that are evocative around in the nouns are "pushed" against the "urinary opening". Therefore is advised for women to urinate hastily after intercourse to "flush out" any bacteria within the tube. Bacteria might also be pushed into the urethra by tampon use. Bacteria may travel to the urethra from the rectum if there is a "bridge" such as a wad or by the use of tight clothing.
If the male is not circumcised, the "extra skin" may hold germs and fungus if is not cleaned properly. Partners of uncircumcised males have more leaning towards yeast and urinary infections.
Cranberry juice is tremendously helpful to speed up the salutary from urinary infections, but make sure is 100% liquid because cocktails are more sugar that anything else and the darn bugs like sugar basically as much as you and me.

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It is best for the girl to pee right after sex... within 30 minutes is best. If she feel a urinary tract infection coming on (symptoms include burning when peeing, frequent peeing, etc), then sizeable doses of vitamin C (600 mg three times daily) and lots of water relieve flush the system of the infection causing germs.

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UTIs are cause when bacteria get forced into the urethra (the opening where on earth urine comes out.) Unfortunately, this seems to be a flaw contained by the female anatomy. :) The vagina (where the penis go in during intercourse) is below the urethra (where urine comes out.) The thrusting motion of intercourse regularly forces bacteria into the urethra, and cause infections.

Cranberry juice (100% species, not the cranberry blends with lots of sugar added) or cranberry capsule, and urinating after sex are some of the ways to prevent it. If they're chronic (a woman gets them everytime she have sex) a doctor may prescribe low dose antibiotic to be taken after intercourse to help prevent them.

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