Tomorrow i am going to hospital(surgery) for removing lump contained by my breast. Are they gonna hold me awake?

Or they going to put me into sleep?
I am scared of watching everything they do.

they will put you under common anesthesia.

i would be sure that they are putting it in by IV and not having you breath gas cuz the gas smells close to nail polish remover and then you can savour it too. its nasty and sometimes can make you halusinate. i know it made me see crazy things that really alarmed me. but since then i always create sure i get the drugs from an IV and i don't have any problems.
you will perceive a burning feeling in your arm and afterwards a hot feeling like someone is putting hot marine in you, and you may get dizzy but these emotional state only last a minute or two and later you are out like a light.
and when the surgery is over they will name your name and get you to get up up and you will feel like they in recent times put you to sleep. you don't dream while you are out and so you feel like its be like 2 minutes even though it may have be 2 hours that you were out cold.

the scariest thing is the pre-op nouns when they are asking you all kinds of question and putting an IV in and taking BPs and stuff and then when you are wheel into the OR and you have to get onto the table and they done tons of stuff at impossible to tell apart time like put oxygne on you, put a BP cuff on, put heart monitor on you, get you contained by the right position, and finally when they give you the anesthesia.

i've been thru it 8 times cuz i own eye problems. and i have to have another surgery next to in the next month or two cuz i enjoy a bad cataract so i have to own that fixed.
i've survived and so will you.
i know i told you some scarey stuff but you really have to try to remain calm. if you are super restless when you go they can give you something to still your nerves and make you feel kinda approaching you don't care about it anymore.
i basically try to think of either a fav movie, tv show, or song. it really help me to block out where i am and allows me to feel slightly more pacify. and its ok if you are emotional its a very upsetting fancy. i cried a couple times cuz i got really scared. they appreciate that you are nervous and they will do everything to help you get the impression less scared. i only just pray to god to let me get thru it and tolerate me be ok. and it makes me feel much better.

i really hope everything go well and i'll be thinking about you tomorrow.
suitable luck..
If you're going to have a will be put beneath. You should ask these questions to the doctor who is taking care of you previously you have the surgery! I suggest once you get tot he hopital or even right in a your doc or talk to them within and ask your matter what they are. Never turn into a surgery without having your question answered and knowing exactly what will happen when you go surrounded by there! i think they would put you to sleep for that it seem to like they would i know i wouldnt like to study either good luck and dont be panicky as long as you pray before they take you within everything will be just fine.
awwww just close your eyes if you dont wanna see but we are not your doctor so we really dont know if he's gonna put you 2 sleep every one is different even you are awake they will provide you numming meds you wont fell any thingdont worry you will be write

You will be asleep. my grandma wasnt put asleep

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