What do i do just about my mom?

Well, the other day my mom caught me and my bf masturbating together and shes similar to still in shock, She wont reach a deal to me, Walks out of the room, wont look at me.
And just man horrible, Is she over reacting?
Or am i one the horrible one?
I didn't mean to upset her resembling i did.
but its partly her imperfection.
The door was locked and she have a key and didn't knock and saw everything. I wasn't even in her house, it was my sisters.
It's not similar to we were have sex, We didn't have protection.
So im surrounded by an awful position here, What do i do?
My boyfriend is 18 and im almost 16. We have be together for 2 1/2 years, and want to spend the rest of my life next to him, and were set to accept the consequences. So what do i do in the region of my mom? Did i do something wrong?

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Seems immaculately normal to me, your one and only mistake was getting caught. She'd better adjust it. Tell her it is not a big thing, and that you don't want it to ruin your relationship beside her.

She'll forgive you eventually, but maybe not your boyfriend.

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Um, you're too young to be beside an 18 year old. I wouldn't articulate to you either.

How can it be true nearly ANOREXIA?

any one would be shocked to fine their daughter masturbating with their boyfriend agree to alone themselves.masturbating is part of energy mostly everyone does it,let your mom breath alittle. don't verbs she is over reacting,but can you blame her,put yourself surrounded by her shoes.

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Of course your mom is freaked out you are too babyish to be doing that sort of thing! I recognize I was doing it at your age, but I very soon realize how young 16 in truth is. Please be careful!


your Mom was shocked to see that you are somewhat sexually stirring =you should make it a point to enjoy a talk beside her about it

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You don't even know that you did something wrong!! That is really shocking. You are a minor and should not be having sex. That would be a shock to any mother. What could you be thinking? And why is your sister allowing you to do degenerate things in her house? Terrible1

I'm having problems masterbating beside my partner. Don't get me wrong I love have sex / making love to him.

Pray that your mom doesn't have your boyfriend arrested for sexual assault. It is unfair for him, an adult, to be sexual near a minor.

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No matter how long it take to get her to gossip to you, do it..Take care

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Whoa, you need to slow down a bit. Not to spawn this into a lecture or anything but girl you dont even know what the consequences involve. Sexual curiosity is to be expected at ur age and it happens...closely. But know matter how much u conjecture u love each other its worth it too dally a little bit. Your mom have a right to be upset, your a young girl dont rush into adult years so quickly...trust me its overrated.

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i think it wouldve be better if you guys were atually have sex then masturbating..cuz thats some pictographic *. and im sure your mother was VERY embarassed to see her own daughter doing such a entity. BUT your room was locked so u guys have time to stop masturbating and cover yourself..right? since she was trying to overt the door with the knob? and you're on 15..gosh thats just sickening. kids at the moment.

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Are you for real? Can you possibly consider how your mother feels?! To answer your cross-question...YES your the horrible one! You sound so undeveloped and selfish. Stop thinking around yourself and how "close" you and your BF are and start trying to make things up next to your mom.
Im sure you will not be with this boy the rest of your duration yet you will hold your mom. Tell her your sorry and start the line of communication. And close to the other person said...your TOO childlike to be with this guy. He should more respect than to jack rotten in your parents home YUCK. If you wanna do big girl things than start acting close to one.

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The best proposal I can give you is to not push her. Do you realize what you enjoy brought about by doing this? The boy you be with is 18, do you realize your mother can press charges against him and you can voice nothing? It is bent for him to be with you contained by any sexual reference because you are a minor, your mother is probably trying to catch control of herself so she doesn't kick is butt or yours which you rightly deserve. You are to immature to be having any sexual happenings next to any guy right now, and do you truly believe that it would own stopped just at masturbation? That be just the naissance any you should really think things through thoroughly since going and doing things like this again. As for your mother not have the right to unlock the door, there you are wrong, you are a minor and she is responsible for everything you do so she have the right to do whatever she requests to protect you.
If you feel it is right to explain yourself to your mother next make sure you detail her everything and if you plan on telling her you will never do it again after you better make sure you don't. Be prepared for her to communicate you that you are to have no further contact beside this boy again and if you don't want him to end up within jail I would recommend you stay away from him.

Can any 1 back?

As a Mom I can speak from her point of view. It is highly hard for mothers to adopt the fact that their children are growing up and it is especially difficult for Moms to assume of their daughters as becoming sexually active. She is probably afraid that you aren't primed for all of the responsibility that comes along beside sex and the possibility of pregnancy. What you were doing is call foreplay and is the beginning to the actual act for most of us,so even though it wasn't similar to you were truly having sex it be too close for her comfort. Maybe you should calmly ask your Mom to hold a discussion about what she saw and reassure her that you are not planning to do anything crazy right presently like..enjoy a child at sixteen .or get married at sixteen. Tell her that you will not enjoy unprotected sex. This doesn't mean that she will adopt it but at least she may guess you are mature for at tiniest thinking it out and opening a discussion.

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u didn't do anything wrong. she is overreacting. maybe u should enjoy a sit down talk beside her. u are not horrible. what u were doing be natural. u are a sexual human individual, nothing wrong near that. just try to agree to your mom know that u won't do anything without sensibly thinking about the consequences. your mom have to face the certainty that u r growing up.

This is a serious question.no joke for answers, okay?

Okay, so let me find this straight. You "didn't do anything wrong" because you were "a short time ago masturbating," but you've BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE. Get a grip, girl. I know it's not fun, but LIFE HAS CONSEQUENCES! Don't blame your mom. She cares nearly you. And it sounds like she should be doing more for you than a moment ago "being contained by shock." Why is it such a shock if her 16 year old daughter have already been pregnant back. Stronger parenting skill are definitely contained by order here. It's not obedient to be taking risks at your age. Protection or not, things go wrong adjectives the time. What's more important to you, doing risky things, or forming the sympathetic of reputation that you must have around conservatory? Stop being embryonic, and realize that you're too young for this stuff.

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I agree with the responder who said to donate your mom some breathing room. She was shocked. No mom requests to even think more or less her daughter being sexually stirring - forget about coming frontage to face beside it!

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She'll get over it - relish yourself

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