Help I give attention to Im Pregnant!?

Im a healthy 25 year hoary female that have a normal spell every month like clock work. For olden times 2 weeks i have be having a cramping fear like im going to start. I also enjoy found my self drinking alot of water! which make me pee alot. I have be having dizzy spells when i seize up fast or move to briskly and have be exhausted. Ive been wake up sweating for the past couple of night. Am i freaking out or am i just 4 days overdue

What is boobs?

I would purloin a test so I could stop worrying something like it. You can even buy them at Dollar Tree and they do work. If you're late afterwards it is ok to take one to carry a result. If you had any stress or anything early this month that could have delayed your ovulation and afterwards that would delay your interval. You could also be dehydrated which could be why you drink, pee, and obtain dizzy a lot.

Why does it hurt?

Well did you own sex with anybody?
if you did and didn't enjoy any protection then theres a accurate chance because those are signs of pregnecy call in a docter or take the personal preg tryout

Can not having your length for over a year make you dizzy, tired, etc.?

take the home preg tryout and find out.

sometime they can be late because u're stress out. Relax, rob yoga class.

check with the doctor if u want to be sure.

Can a girl be surrounded by period within 2 weeks?

Its most likeky nothing, but to be on the past the worst side, I would go out and purchase a pregnancy testing.

I was nearly 3 week behind schedule on my period and when i come on it be jst when i wiped my self, blood be there and,

i have that for a little while but it didnt formulate sense cause i didnt enjoy sex so the only process to know for sure is to wait and do a p-test... the cramps really suck too dont they? i have to realx in teh tub for an hour and work my stomach to get mine to stop hurting and afterwards i started my period and it go away...

Feminine problem?

Take a pregnancy test and if its not positive, next go to your doctor.

What come to pass to my period?

Ok relax.
1. Dizziness is in actuality really normal after you stand up really swiftly, or maybe you hold Anemia (iron deficency). I'm not a doctor so you'll have to check on that.
2. Waking up sweating? It's nearly summer. I'll bet everyone is wake up sweating, hello! Global Warming.
3. The heat really does wear family out. When it hot out, drowsiness will sneak up on you like that. Actually a few hours ago i be falling asleep while i was doing homework :P
4. Just because you've be regular for a while doesn't mean it's never going to come delayed. There are many things bar pregnancy that can delay or even prevent a extent ( stress, weight, even your birth control, if you use it, can mess around near your hormones, making things a little aft schedule.

Read up on some websites more or less missing periods (and oh yes, nearby are some )And you'll be able to find other information.

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