If you know nearly vaginas...?

i masturbate. i'm a girl and i usually do finger myself but about 3 days ago when i did, it hurt. even solitary using one finger. it hurt inside, i know it wasn't because of the stretching of my vagina and i know i didn't scratch it. it hurts my vagina walls, not stinging or anything, basically like.. hurts kinda. i can grain my fingers rubbing and it hurts/irratates

also, i've been getting cramps... kinda, not really cramps but that's what it feel like for a few minutes and later it goes away. it almost feel like a pulling muscle and i've be pretty gassy.

do you think it could be that i basically got over my extent on Saturday...?

i'm young and i'm not going to a gyn. i'm in my impulsive teens

can the cramps be like, growing pains or something? but what around the pain inside.. ?

i'm pretty twitchy. can you please help me?

i've solely gotten my period 4 times so far if that help in any process...

if it sounds like an infection would douching verbs it out?

PMS..I can't stop crying and I am so crabby never had pms this unpromising. How do you deal next to it?

You may have scratched yourself and it may be infected. You inevitability to be really careful not to irritate it any more, to be protected and know for sure you should go to a gyn. I can read between the lines not wanting to go, but it's better to be undisruptive than sorry.

Day or night?

u finger and your approaching 13-15?

#2 after every meal?

U little freak...lol

I'm sooo confused next to this body of mine.?

i'm pretty sure its because of your period. your va-ja-ja is sensitive around that time.

lol...i other wanted to put va-ja-ja!!

Is it true that vinegar or anything else for that event can stop menstral flow?

There are a couple of possibilities but I do not think they are serious.
One it could be that you are dry inside your vagina and it is hurting when you put your finger (s) in. Lubricant may assistance.
Also you should probably stimulate your clitoris more that will help produce untaught wetness. Although some females are naturally simply dry.
Two - you are stretching your vagina even with one finger. You said you are in your rash teens, your vagina is still small and the muscle are strong, when it stretches it does tighten back up. So, if a sunshine or two goes by between masterbating you are restretching yourself.

the other symptoms seem more related to your period. your uterus works not easy during your period. Gassy could be related to your term or what you ate.
If it continues for a long period of time afterwards you just have need of to talk to a doctor or report to your mom.
P.S. Don't douche> You only douche if your doctor tell you to.

Itchy vagina?

tell your mommy.

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