Is there really a fitting health point why women should wear underwear?

My friend does NOT wear underwear and thinks it is more hygienic to not do so. She claims even cotton underwear traps moisture and that can head to infections. She swears since she has stop wearing underwear, her infection rate have practically ceased.

We both work surrounded by the medical field and at the moment we are at a standoff! Help! lol

What could be going on? Please abet!?

I worked with a woman who have chronic infections, her doctor told her to stop wearing underwear and like your friend her infection rate cease. I guess it's better for some women not to. I do, just because I would be self-conscious if I didn't.

Is there anything you can nick to INCREASE your appetite?

i suppose that depends on what kind of pant you wear...or whether or not you are shaved...

Why do i smell so bad?

If you're surrounded by the medical field why not ask a doctor?

Sticky white discharge on underwear?

Actually underwear keep you from getting bacteria and such.

As long as you other change your underwear everyday it is better for you.

(((Your friend must enjoy worn her undies for to long @ a time... lol)))

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I have an idea that she's got a point next to the moisture issue... but personally, I construe it's more hygenic to wear undies when you're dressed, at work, etc. If you want to be "free" while you're at home, more power to you!

Major boob problem!?

I think that if you silver your underwear often, and valet yourself in the ground down under, than you should be fine. I know you arent supposed to put on cotton underwear that hasn't fully dried in the dryer because it can cause yeast infections. I would meditate wearing no underwear would be worse due to sweat or something. Gross.

Ladies, pleaseHaving severe menstrual problems?

her period could overrun if she uses tampons and her pad...nought to hold it...

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I would try to convince her away from her non-underwear-wearing ways. Just what I ponder.

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