Polycsytic Ovary Syndrome and pregnancy?

This is a bit weird but my friend's girlfriend is turning into something of a "bunny-boiler" who is constantly trying to trap him & freak him out beside ideas of individual pregnant. She suffers from polycystic ovaries and hasn't had a spell for 6 wks, they have individual had sex using condoms & he isn't aware of any ripped ones. His girlfriend have attended the gynaecologist with a suspected cyst, but tell him that the doctor says the scan does not show a cyst and she may be pregnant and should stir back contained by two weeks. I find this a bit weird - beside modern technology surely they would be able to testing immediately for pregnancy? Or at most minuscule in a couple of days max? Why 2 wks? And is a drug available that shrinks - or get rid of the cysts available? She has said the doctor say she couldn't have a cyst, as they enjoy given drugs to get rid of the cyst so she MUST be pregnant, but I can't find this treatment when I hold searched the network.
Has anyone else had a similar experience that can recommend?

Ladies.have you be vaccinated near HPV vaccine and what do you think of it ?

Have your friend turn with her to the doctor. If she say no then she is lying if she say yes then conceivably. They should have be able to notify if she was pregnant and they would hold givin her a PG test right consequently and there. No their is pretty much zilch to get rid of PCOS. I own lived with it presently for years and it does take ancestors with it a while to seize PG . My husband and I tried for a year before anything happen. In my opinion she is a lier. Tell your friend after is adjectives straight to get rid of her.

Girl prob minister to??

There are loads of reasons for missing period - medication, stress, weight gain or bulk loss, a medical problem other than the cysts. Being pregnant isn't the one and only possible reason.

What does a interval feel similar to?

If she has polycystic ovarian syndrome consequently it is highly unlikely that she is pregnant.
You can surf the condition by calling it that term if that is what she is diagnosed beside.
There are drugs they use to treat it, but it has be many years so I am sure it have changed since I was treated.
The syndrome make it hard to bring back pregnant without fertility drugs.

Teribble aching on my period?!?!?! 10 points for someone who help me out!?

Her doctor is absolutely wrong. You CAN obtain cysts, even with medication taken for poly-cycstic ovaries. People next to polycystic ovaries often own skipped periods, even next to the best of treatments. I myself have this and wind up up skipping two, even three months at a time.

Sounds like her dr is treating her wrong, and giving her discouraging advice. She desires a better dr who knows what they are conversation about.

Also warning your friend, that he may want to call the dr himself (tho doubtful they would share him anything with forgiving rights laws), because there is a arbitrariness she could be making it all up, too.

Early on, when I be first diagnosed with PCOS, I have tons of pregnancy scares until I get used to it. People with pcos who do grasp pregnant, however, sometimes have hormone problems that might not allow a pregnancy to show up at first... some do not know until they are two or three months pregnant.

But yeah... she should definately find a better dr!

Edit: to answer your request for information, dr's usually give BIRTH CONTROL or hormone medication to lessen the size of cysts... if she truly have pcos I'm appalled her dr hasn;t already put her on BC!

Is it weird?

One of the symptoms of PCOS is irregular period, so it can be difficult to know when a woman is "due on". As it takes 14 days from conception for the HCG hormone to build up to a detectable horizontal, the doctor may be wanting to wait that bit longer beforehand testing for pregnancy.

If she is really trying to sham a pregnancy, she won't be able to draw from away with it for long. Just support your friend to continue to use condoms during sex, as she may be trying to engender him complacent about contraception surrounded by order to in reality get pregnant.

However, if she does suffer from PCOS, she is probably aware that it is unbelievably difficult for her to fall pregnant, and if it happen, she will be unlikely to want to terminate the pregnancy. Your friend desires to be sure about his relationship and what he requests.


Missed/late period, and emphatically not pregnant?

they could do a blood test and that would hold showed if she was pregnant. they would enjoy probably already done this. i have pcos and it is drastically very adjectives for late period for months even. so if they always use condoms and she have pcos than she probably is not pregnant, since it is quite difficult for some woman beside pcos to even get pregnant in need fertility meds and stuff. so my bet is she really isn't pregnant although she might not be trying to scare him or anything because when i be younger i use to think i be pregnant because i didn't know that i had pcos and my period would be late. but afterwards again there is other a chance but i dought it.

Thoughts almost implantation bleeding and when a test would show up.?

I read somewhere that Posh spice and Jools oliver enjoy PCOS and they got loads of kids!

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