My urine is foamy. What does that anticipate?

This is for my 20 year old niece

Girl's Please Help?

Bladder Infection

Is in that a contraceptive out there that also stops your period?


For girls only: I want idea's for exercising plans while on my interval. Any help?


I go and get dizzy sometimes?

I don't think you know if you are coming or going?

Weird atmosphere during period?

It might only mean it come out really fast. :)

What does it anticipate when a woman clots during her monthly cycle.?

Maybe some Softsoap (registered) hand rinse got injected up into your va-jay-jay...

You know, the foamy handwash?

What most cheers you up when you are sense blue?

Relax. She most likely drank beer from a doomed to failure keg at a party. That happen all the time when we be in that age bracket.

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