Whats going on late extent?

okay i come off the pill on the 10th of january since afterwards i have have about 2 or 3 period. i cant remember the other two dates but the second period i have was on 23rd april.and i havent come on, i thought i would have come on but does it must be on the same time you came on end time, i have slept near my fiance once at the begining of this month and yes i used protection and no i dont think it broke.ive be stressed as well this month whats going on?

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I wouldn't stress out something like it- if you used protection and it didn't split then you should be fine- if your end period be on 23rd April then it is only just likely that you will come on inwardly the next few days, everyone is different. It is probably down to the reality that you have come past its sell-by date the pill. Stress can make your period irregular so if what you said is true (you wre stressed) then I would a moment ago try to relax, I know easier said than done right! Gentle exercise and a healthy diet can also relief!
Hope this has help!

Have to swim but on my period?

u might want to shift see a doctor

Do breast feeding boobs largely go spinal column to pre pregnancy size?

Take doctor's advise.

Do women desire that they could stand up to pee?

get a test

I get problem..about my..?

could depend on how long youve be on the pill. i was other totally regular but it took quite a while at tiniest 10 months after i came sour the pill for my system to become normal again.

however if you are worried at adjectives go to your doctor, to be precise what they are there for, also if you are concerned ypu are pregnant test are really cheap and easy immediately so take one and set your mind at rest.

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