Whats the easiest path to tone your tummy?


Anyone had the alien essure birth control? what do you think of it?

Get an exercise globe with a DVD and do the exercises and crunches on it at most minuscule 3 times a week. You'll see results! Good luck! :)

Women I need evaluation?

sit ups and watch your calorie intake

What's up near pregnant womens belly buttons?

sit ups and no sweets.

Vag. question.?

There are absolute foods you can eat/avoid eating to lend a hand target your stomach fat. Plus at hand are certain exercises that will target the stomach/middle nouns. Watch this free, helpful video to see which exercises really be in motion after that nagging belly fat. http://coaches.aol.com/diet/jorge-cruise...

This is a personal give somebody the third degree to ask but GIRLS.. i need help out!?

Something that I do is put some music on and try to belly dance. Or only just dancing around contained by general... resembling Shakira moves. This works ALL parts of your tummy.. the core abs, the "love handles" if you move right, and your all around waist. It's fun and it really tones it

Is nearby any tablets that can make females suddenly involved for sex?

Watch the calories and carbohydrates. Each women sdhould have 1500 calorie intake and man is 2200, economically I'm pretty sure. But do push ups and some weight lifting excersizes to bring back your muscles pumped and your "Flubber" will disapear.

Is it just me? (Girls Only)?

Well first, you enjoy to get rid of the tubby on the stomach. Then just do crunches and sit ups.. etc.

Vaginosis and Menstrual Cycle?

step one...put down the doughnut

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