GIRLS ONLY.. I'm have issues with my term..?

I haven't gotten my period within 2 months. I just get my first period a couple months previously that. I'm 13 years old. It's helpful of embarrassing to verbalize about it next to my mom or a doctor... but is this normal for girls have their first 2-5 periods? Please tolerate me know what you think i should do.

Come down on joy how to avoid it?

Yes this is completely normal, until your body get into a regular cycle it can take time for it to come about at the same time every month.
As long as your not adjectives in sexual intercourse and theres no mode of you being pregnant this is completely typical and nothing to verbs about.
If it hasnt settled contained by about 6months or so possibly see your doctor and he can help regulate it beside you.

Women only please: memorable dirty feeling..?

Hey sweetie.
don't verbs.
when you start your period, it happen to skip around a lot.
you could hold it one months and then not hold it the next.
i.e. how it was for me when i first started my length.
just relax and try not to stress out :]

Is nearby a bc pill that doesn't cause freight gain or loss of sex drive?

umm.. yeah it's nothing to verbs about.. as long as you didnt own sex.. which i hope you didnt cuz ur 13.. but if you did.. see a doctor.. immediately..

but your body is prolly a short time ago confused.. cuz its not used to it,

WHen I ejaculate, urine also comes along..sustain me please?

It's normal to be irregular when you first start your time of year. Don't worry!!

My breasts?

That's common when you first start out.

After I had my first spell at 13, I didn't have my second until a year subsequent.

You'll stabilize within a few years. Don't verbs about it on the other hand.

Is there anyway i can loose immensity without losing my chesttt?

ive have missed months too, I didnt do anything to miss it, yet its sometimes common. go to your pediatrician and let somebody know her. its not supposed to always be missed, but can be everyday. Some months i havent had it within 3 straight ones. Good luck, ask your doctor. :) (it might be a problem bc you could have reproductive probelms) ASK!

Very personal ask?

im 18 i got my 1st extent when i was 12.. and not again til i be 13 and they were not regular until i be 16... This is COMPLETELY normal you body is going through change and your regular menstration at your age is extremely rare! Your fine darlin i wouldnt verbs at all!

What is the best sudden fix for menstrual cramps?

Don't worry i get my period ultimate year during June at CAMP! what fun. Anyway like i said i get mine in june and didn't have my second one till december sooo i simply waited until within science one day my stomach hurt sooooo discouraging i could barely move sooo later i figured it out to be precise was my extent so i ask a friend for a pad or tampon so i get pad an go and put it on. I dont talk to my mom going on for or my doctor they just ask me and i detail them well Good Luck!

That time of month?

Everything is probably fine. After you hold a few more your periods will become more regular. Talk to your mom if you are concerned. Good luck.

Ok i am planning on going to planned fatherliness next week but i dont own and IL ID card?

The same thing happen to me, you shouldnt worry. But dont be affraid to speak to a Dr. Thats what theyre for, besides, its normal to hold doubts and questions!!
Relax, its a short time ago girl stuff.GOOD LUCK!

Girls please please please answer this question, its critical?

Both my daughter and myself were never regular for several years. It purely takes a while to be "Regular".

One ovary might not be on like peas in a pod schedule as the other ovary when they first start and it could pilfer a couple years to regulate itself. Many go on the pill to regulate it, but i don't recommend it, because it's unnatural to me, when it will eventually regulate itself with ease.

If it gets too bleak, talk to your mom, she would want you to.
Good luck!

Are here serious dangers related to anal sex?

I have the same problem when I be your age. I usually had a time about 2 times a year. My mother took me to the gynecologist and I be prescribed a medication for this. As I got elder my periods eventually become more regular. So, if your problem continues you need to hold your mother take you to the gynecologist. I know it sounds gross or embarassing but you should see one and a girl seeing a feminine gynecologist usually makes a trip to the gynecologist for a time easier! Talk to your mother or a sister or even a aunt about this! Good luck!

If somone snatch you and melseed you and you are 14 and you know who it is and you are going to the doctor for?

dont worry its conventional, when i first started i was 12 and i be very mortified talkin with my mom just about it. and i missed my period for 2 months contained by a row but lucky for me we were research about stuff similar to that in university around that time. i'm 16 now and still find it complicated talkin to my mom about it. don't verbs it should start coming every month once u get a bit elder

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