Hangover put somebody through the mill?

Ok, I'm 15 and on occasion I drink. I've found something unnatural though. None of my friends get hangover but I usually get HORRIBLE ones. Why might this be? Thank you!

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Ok U are fifteen and asking a drinking question here. Is this something you would want your mom or dad to read here?
I deliberate it's a terrible plan on your element but if you are enjoying these hangover well verbs to drink on and on be prepared for jail,instutions or disappearance of alchol posioning.
Ok yes I was fifteen and i drank and puked my living guts out . I probably would hit cold-shoulder if I was reading this post at the time too. I guess perception it is twenty twenty.
If you continue to relish what you are doing keep at it...
But except there is sustain but no can make you wish help okay they could legally push you to it but getting at hand and doing good things for oneself doesn't come over hours of darkness if you get use to enjoy the life of hangover in ones life span time...
I am concerned and I am probably coming across as a annoying and I apologize I guess I worry when I see somene so childish doing this to themselves and would love to prevent you from so things in life but when I be on my path of self destructive behaviours and living the end thing I'd want to read would be this post I'd prefer going on till the bitter call a halt and try to perhaps chomp through something while I drank to help near said hangovers...but puking happen when one's body consummes mass portions of alchol it's the bodies way of trying to purge it out of your system..
so if you want give a hand look into AA.it's not just elderly folks in in attendance and maybe speak near a trusted adult on this one and show them this post if U seriously don't want to a go of hangovers mete out I can't tell U how to drink and not acquire them ...cause that would be the wrong causeway on my part to assist you down that pavement...

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its possible you drink more than them, or your body just take it in diffrently.try a different alcohol and conceivably that will help.

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They probably take a magical invention call a Chaser pill.

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Everyone's body reacts differently to alcohol, contained by a hangover sense.

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Drink more water...a hangover is mostly newly severe dehydration. Maybe your friends are just more hydrated than you.

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Some ancestors are blessed not to have hangover - others unfortunately do.

I would read out the best thing to avoid a hangover is after every drink , follow it by a cup of water - alcohol cause dehydration.

When you get up surrounded by the morning the best thing to do is own a pint of fresh orange liquid, followed by two paracetemol/painkillers.

But at 15 i wouldnt recommend it, bad experiences at that age, but hey your gonna do it anyway, i know i did!

Hope this help, but if you have to drink, do it in moderation!!

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