Will my gf gain cargo on the pill?

My gf is going on the contraceptive pill soon. She is worried about getting hold of a lot of immensity. I, personally am not shallow and hold NO problem with that whatsoever. But i thought I'd do my research within advance so I can be more supportive and kind.
Is there a statistical percentage? And how much is she credible to gain?

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Not as much as she'll gain not taking it

Can I start taking the pill a week after my period? How forceful would it be?

Most girls gain about 5 pounds

Asking my mum roughly speaking using a training bra?

you can gain weight and you can become more intense, but its different for everyone that takes it.

Anyone answer this ? my cycle is typical but this month i had a 1 light of day heavy cycle & spotting very soon cramping?

It varies from woman to woman. I didn't gain any cargo, my sister, typical of her, lost weight. Its arbitrary! Nothing to worry nearly!!

How come the only time i own a real appetite is a week formerly period starts?

Maybe...but she might gain alot of substance if she isn't on the pill.

If she gets pregnant are you prepared to be a Dad? or will you suggest an abortion to exterminate the child?

Brown spotting, now cramping what could it be?

she will gain for a time weight from the pill. The other 50lbs she will BLAME on the pill, when its really she can't stay out of dairy queen.

My length has be a month long and now approaching every other day?

All women are as you would expect different - but the long and the short of it is...yes, she probably will. The pill will be tricking her body into thinking it's pregnant and it can cause her to gain immensity.

Sudden Irregular period during pregnant?

Some girls do but not a massive amount. If she does sometimes they merely change the pill to another one to see if that help. However personal experience... i never put on any weight

If a woman starting menstruating at 11, at what age can she expect to stop doing so?

Shes most promising not to gain weight. Most society don't. I've just gone on it just about a month ago and I've gained no consignment, although I've had some stomach upsets, which are a side effect, theres a pamphlet in the packet of pills you return with, or there should be. But she shouldn't gain freight, and its not too bad! Good luck.

Period aching?

She might.

Which brand?

I'm on Kariva and have have no weight gain issues, but it will fluctuate from person to personality.

How common is HPV? Am I going to die in a minute?

Not everyone gains weightiness when on it. The pill DOES'NT make you you put on counterbalance, it increases your appetite...

Period Question! Girls Only!?

She might gain weight, she might LOSE counterweight, or she might no experience weight change at all. If she does, consequently she should consult her doctor because he might prescribe a different pill for her.

Is my girl pregnat?

No there is no statistical percentage. Worrying in the order of it will be more bothersome than actually getting hold of weight.
Also, not adjectives pills have one and the same side effects. There are different preparations.
There are also many different contraceptive methods. Before you and your girlfriend - if you be both ever sexually active earlier you met - go lacking condoms be sure that BOTH of you have screenings for sexually transmitted infections.
Just to identify one - Chlamydia - has little to no symptoms and can be spread minus your partner even knowing it. It can scar fallopian tubes and effect infertility.
Pregnancy is the very most minuscule of your worries when having unsafe sex.
Remember herpes is for energy.

How to get right helath?

Hi, Iv been on the pill in a minute for around 4 years. Usually you put on around half a stone. depending the pill ou are on. its not fatty fat, its similar to water retntion oil. as long as she keeps up a stout life style next this wont be such a poblem. you dont balloon 19 stone at once. its about keeping your lifestyle alike, maybe saunter that extra distance. park your car further away from where on earth you need to be, or win the bus stop after the one you usually go to.

relate your girl friend not to worry at adjectives. you dont even notice the transfer. like i influence, its important to hold a healthy energy style, im not talking gyms or anything...a moment ago getting a packet of grapes rather than a choccy shaft (warning-never refuse her though if she demands a choccy stick! that dangerous!)

Soo how do you know if you similar to girls or not?

You only gain mass if you find it hard to control your mass anyway.I find it makes you more hungry than usual but you'll merely gain weight if you put away more not directly from taking the pill. I've be taking the pill for 7 years & I've never put on any weight. Hope this help!

Never have a time of year your entire life?

It depends on a woman and her organism. My shipment, for example, has be really stable, emotional state as capably (even better than before taking the pill)... plus going on the pill will imagined increase the satisfaction of your sex energy (hers cause she'll be more competent to relax, and yours cause you'll know that certainty;)) So, I'm totally FOR the pill, and really nothing to verbs about.

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