Helpp! pls !it hurts soooo muchh!! menstrual periodd ...!?

i got my length when i was 13 or 14 . and immediately that im sixteen, everytime i get my interval it hurts so muchh ... i bleed a LOT ... and i get those horrible crambs that not one and only do they hurt from the outsie but i feel thta my vagina go and get swallen ... its hurt a lot too . i havent have sex .. (if u think hood maybe it have soemthing to do ).. also .. for example right now it hurts a lott and lots of blood comes out ... BUT the next time poorly get myperiod it wont hurt, not as much blood will come out and im gunna be aware of super fine .. its always resembling that ... first it hurts like hell and the following time i wont discern a thingg . is there soemthing i could do ... help out me pls!

Is it normal that my hips haven't widen?

I started my period when I be eleven and it hurt very desperate until I turned 18. Everything you described was be to a "T". When I be 18 I had a miscarriage & the dr said that could own caused extent to change. My period were much better for the subsequent 2 yrs. before I become pregnant with my son (at 20yo). After the birth of my son my period starting hurting again like they did when I be a teenager and after I got pregnant again when my son be 4 months old so I didn't own alot of time for them to straighten out before becoming pregnant again. After my daughter be born, they hurt again really bad and at 22 I have a hysterectomy. The point is, your periods are going to go through several changes surrounded by your life so simply keep this contained by mind when you are lying in bed rolling around in pain. What I did when I have a bad interval was I would use a hot hose bottle on my stomach and took Midol or Pamprin! Also I stayed away from the caffeine because it seemed similar to that aggrevated it more. The best thing to do is to TRY to sleep it sour, if at all possible! People that hold never had discouraging periods enjoy NO IDEA what you are going through but I know you are truly hurting and I feel sorry for you... Good luck getting through the subsequent couple of yrs. and maybe things will draw from better for you like they did for me... :-)

Tampon String?

you could own endametriosis. Its symptoms are a lot similar to yours. you could go on Birth will relief regualte your cycles and make them 100 percent better. A lot of doctors will prescribe BC for horrible menstrual cycles.

This is unpromising, please help me?

For presently, take some extra strength tylenol. That will serve with the twinge and the cramping. It sounds like it is time to pop in the gyno or your family doctor. If you period are causing you this much discomfort regularly, the doctor can contribute you some options. And gossip to your parent, they want to help.

Foul Smell contained by the vergina?

They should be teaching this contained by school but I don`t know the men in power want women to be surrounded by pain. There is a channel to reduce the blood to a tiny bit near no cramping at all. See the site below for info on how to do this and tolerate others know about it. Right presently 40,000 Americans need a liver transplant. Most of these be caused by taking tylenol according to a just this minute graduated MD.

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Have you have a gynecological exam yet? If not, it might be a fitting time to see a doctor, PA or ARNP. Sometimes a prescription of a low dose oral contraceptive can help beside the cramps and it will certainly serve with the bleeding. See what they can do. Planned Parenthood is great because they're used to treating adolescents and sometimes enjoy teen health educator to talk to. Some irregularity at your age is mundane and will probably resolve itself, but it's good to bring started with your gyn visit anyway.

Good luck!

Is it bad that point that i get headache everyday?

I had mine at 8 yrs elderly!

at first i didnt have any cramps after some years later i have the worst cramps!

I have be taking birth controll to keep my menstrual cycle in good time, also with birth controll pills it have reduced some pain. But what i hold found that has worked the best for me is taking OMEGA-3 softgel pills (fish oil). No they do not weakness or smell nasty as you might assume. Take one pill everyday and i Promise you will feel the difference within your next length, it could take up to 2 to perceive really some difference.
Also when you feel those horrible cramps put on a warmness patch, they sell them at the pharmacy, i use the therma attention to detail and its designed for your tummy.

And if that does not work, go to the doctor. But adjectives they will say is pilfer tylenol or those things.

Good luck & hope those horrible cramps go away!!

Hello, Im a feminine & right at the peak of an orgasm, I sometimes urinate.?

go to a gyn.

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