For the second 2 or 3 days i've been fancy really sick?

to my stomach and have top of nausea i the morning that lasts until mid afternoon . What could be cause me to have this? I whip Pepto Bismol which helps beside the gas bubbling and stomach upset. This has be happening when i chomp through ice cream at dark, i wake up within the morning sick to my stomach? Last monthly period 5/23/07 . Any proposal is appreciated thanks!

Sud i do a pregnancy theory test? or is it all contained by my head?

Maybe you are lactose intolerant and can with the sole purpose have rime cream and milk products that do not conain this. Hope you feel better! You should really see your doctor.

Asking roughly speaking painful period..?

You could be lactose intolerant. Does drinking milk bother you? Talk to your doctor. It could be a variety of things.

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