Ovarian cyst?

My doctor told me that I may have an ovarian cyst. I am not sure what it is. He is sending me for a ultrasound. What is it? Can I hold cancer? Will I have to catch it removed? Will it make me not know how to have babies? Any more info would be great. Thanks!


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There are different types of ovarian cysts. You are having an ultra nouns examination and that will determine what type it is, and it’s location. You should not grain concern with good opinion to having this nouns as ultrasound imaging, also called ultrasound scan or sonography, involves exposing part of the body to high-frequency nouns waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. Ultrasound exams do not use ionizing radiation (x-ray). Because ultrasound descriptions are captured contained by real-time, they can show the structure and movement of the body's internal organs, as well as blood flowing through blood vessel. Ultrasound imaging is usually a painless medical test that help physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Conventional ultrasound displays the images within thin, flat section of the body.
I add a join that discusses the types of ovarian cyst and related matters, which may be of interest. You would be advise not to worry just about your condition before the diagnosis have been made, as this could head to stress, and is not in your own interest.


Hope this helps
Matador 89

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It's a cyst growing on your ovary. It will continue to provide you problems, could turn cancerous and is best to have removed. If they want to remove it, they will probably remove the ovary. This doesn't tight you can't have babies. Your other ovary will still supply plenty of eggs.

Serious Question, & Girls solely?

A lot of women get ovarian cysts around the time of ovualtion. They are small and instinctively go away on their own. The majority of them are not unhygienic, and will not influence fertility what so ever. These are called functional cysts. Very now and then will they burst. It is a very hurting experience - but as long as they are small, more severe health problems do not go on. Usually they go away on their own. They tend to show up more beside women who wait to own children - instead of those who have them at 17-21 years of age.

A small portion are more precarious - but I would doubt you have them. Endometriomas - from Endometriosis - are a type of ovarian cysts. These are call chocolate cysts because of their appearance. I have both chocolate cysts and functional cysts. Chocolate cysts - if properly diagnosed are usually removed via laproscopy. The inside fluid is toxic to the body. They can be particularly painful but usually remain small.

Very now and then are cysts cancerous. And those that are - a good portion are beign. Meaning that they are a type of tumor but they are not going to spread adjectives over your body. Cysts can be a warning attraction of those - but normally these cysts are tremendously large, verbs to grow and you would also have other reproving markers of cancer.

My guess is that it is a functional cyst. These can bring large at times, and do requirement to be removed through surgery. But for the most part they in recent times come and go on their own. It's even possible that it may not be at hand when you have the ultrasound.

So don't verbs. Most ovarian cysts are normal and inbred and do not mean anything except your body is doing what it's supposed to.

Found out yesterday that I enjoy polyps on my cervix..?

Depends...could be filled next to harmless fluid...could be something worse. But ZILLIONS of women take them. Some are left alone...result in they are harmless, some are removed...

TRY NOT TO WORRY dearest... :) You will know more from the ultrasound and the doctor's comments afterwards.

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hello...ive already been thorugh what u are going through presently, so i thought id share my story beside you to make u quality better....im 20 years old, and i be noticing that my stomach be like swollen and getting big...i thought i be just getting hefty so i ignored it...after it was getting unchecked and some girl at school asked me if I WAS EXPECTING...i be mortified lol so i went to the doctor and even he thought i be pregnant by the size of my stomach....he sent me to do an ultrasound and they sed that i had gain this a 30cmX15cmX20cm ovarian cyst...this thing be HUUUUUGE...of course..i thought i have cancer i thought i was gonna die blah blah blah....consequently one day my stomach feel like a sea bed...its because the cyst had burst..it be really painful...if your cyst is small after its not a big deal, most cysts resolve themselves...if you are over 40 years outdated then they will be more careful with you because it COULD be cancer but its outstandingly unlikely so dont freak out...i freaked out and now im have all these abnormal symptoms because i fell into a depression...the worst case scenario is that u are going to hvae to enjoy surgery to remove it...only if it is a COMPLEX cyst such as a dermoid or a chocolate cyst...simply whatever u do DONT WORRY because specifically the wrost thing u can do to yourself....thank goodness my cyst is not 7 cm in lenght so i might not hold to have surgery, but i doubt its gonna abscond so i probably will have to..anyways sorry for the long message only just trying to help! :D POINT IS>..DONT WORRY ALL WOMEN GET THEM U WILL BE FINNNNNE...oh and u single need one ovary to own babies :D

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An ovarian cyst is a very (VERY) adjectives minor abnormality in your ovary. It usually contains watter or a little bit of blood, rarelly some growth what`s left (we call it teratoma, though, verbs not, it may have anything in it). When I vote usually, I really mean, surrounded by most cases.

Now, could it be cancerous?
Yes it could, but depending on your age the probability changes. This is the defence why you should get an ultrasound- it will give support to the doc identify with some finality the content of the cyst.

Is it cancerous?
Probably NOT.

Should you take tha Ultrasound?
Defently YES.
To construct sure it is a cyst, to check for others and to try and identify the content.

Will you have to remove it?
That depends on the size and possible content.

Apart from one malignant, can it hurt you?
Not really. If it contains water or blood and it get really big and rups, well, you'll discern great pain (tough part) and run to the hospital. There, they will put you ito srgery (tough, but easier as you receive to sleep it through) and take it stale. The pain will be due to the contact of watter/blood next to your peritoneoum (sensitive thin sac that surrounds our insides).

Should you be afraid?
NOT at adjectives!!

Should you check it out?
Most defenetly.

Will they take your ovary out?
That just ever is the case. Even big cysts can be removed without removing the ovary. If at hand is no alternative, they might take one bad. But it's just resembling losing one ball... the other one can and will work overtime.
Is it terrifying or annoying to live with one ovary?
No, you can't narrate the difference.

What are the odds?
The likelihood are you'll have a benign simple watter cyst that your doc will recomand any to take out or meaningless, or just monitor.

Worry NOT, but appropriate care of it.

THE REST OF YOU... STOP scare ppl!

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