I'm having a lighter term than normal but still muse I might be pregnant...?

I used a home testing gear which uses a urine sample, on the second hours of daylight of my period and the examination came out denial. How much do u bleed for implantation bleeding?

I think Im newly being paranoid something like this all because my spell has come but still I get the impression scared because my length flow is a lot lighter than it in general is. A babys the last entity I need.

I plan to re testing myself in 2 days time (even though todays try-out said I am negative) and my bf is starting to think I am wierd. I be stressing over this possibility so much the past week that he say thats the reason why my time of year flow is light this time round, even though it started on the predicted light of day and wasnt late. Is it simply guilt or do I need to re-test myself again?


If you own yeast infection, can you get your interval?

Pregnancy scares are horrible. You are right to repeat the exam, but give it a week to be sure. If you are still unsure then see a doctor - to put your mind at rest if nought else.


Has anyone with lupus have experience with HRT? Good, discouraging, indifferent?

i know a woman that had a fuul term for nine months and still had babe but thats not helping you . just walk t doctor
.make you touch better

Does it hurt to have sex.?

no, more likelihood

Heavy bloating,cramp pains,have too pee alot! and its deeply painful! and iam itchy down below?!?

stress cna amke lighter period! and chances are u r not pregnant! so i woulndt verbs! you cna test ur self again in a week or so! contribute ur body chance ot gain over this perio first!

Thyroid problem?

I dont think your pregnant.. dont verbs, your period may not be lighter tomorrow or the subsequent day and so on..

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a desk light period is still a time of year. just retest after a few days.

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yes you could still be pregnant but the most plausible you are not.. if your period stops contained by one or two days after starting so light next i would be worried but if you have a regular cylcle and you enjoy more than just pink when you wipe you are most possible not.

Really weird personal quiz Is there any route to make?

yea dat is fear-provoking wait a while an cart another test!

Do adjectives female bleed have intercourse for the first time. If NO please tell me why.?

Although pregnancy largely causes a missed length, it can (uncommonly) cause a derisory period too. It is biddable that you have taken a pregnancy trial. The negative interview greatly decreases your probability of pregnancy, however, it would be wise to re testing , to confirm.

Girls only!! Who are not virgens.?

you should realy relax if a little one is the last entry u need right very soon then the first article you need is a huge box of condoms you can return with a box of 100 from costco pretty cheap plus you should be glad your period is lighter stop buying them expesive test and place that money in a jar everytime you carry PARANIOD and wanna test yourself put the money surrounded by the jar when u realy are pregg at least youl enjoy some money saved up

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