Please assistance me, I really don't know what to do. I might be pregnant?

Okay so maybe this is stupid to describe online, but I mean I don't know any of you so I can take unbiased answers out of adjectives of you.

So I'm a 16 year old girl and ultimate month, I was raped, and it's sort of messed me up, similar to the way I look at myself and stuff. I started taking diet pills (obviously so I can lose counterbalance since I don't like the mode I look), but I'm also on birth control just surrounded by case something close to that happens again. Is it risky to take both of these at duplicate time? Nobody around here knows something like what happened, and I really don't want to describe anybody, so I don't know who to ask. And I don't want my parents to get silly at me about the diet pills any, so I can't ask them.

But also... my period is more or less three days late. I took a pregnancy check about four days ago and it come out negative, but I'm not entirely sure I wait the whole two minutes (I be in a public one-person bathroom and I be holding up the line). If I am pregnant, could I be harming the toddler?

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I know exactly what you are going through. I was raped before this year back within January a few days after my bday and I never did go to the cops becuz hell, I'm surrounded by school to be a police officer. Also, I too know the person who raped me and even after everything I told him to move me alone, he now stalks me and I'm surrounded by the processing of getting a restraining order against him.

As it turns out, I thought I be pregnant too because the person who raped me did not use a condom and nor be on any kind of birth control. Although, I did not shift to the cops and have not told me parents, I did recount my 3 best friends and they were near me when I bought and took the pregnance test near me. And after that I knew that everything would be ok because I have 3 best friends who were in place to help and support me no issue what.

And honey, even if you don't tell your parents, please travel your local police station and talk to someone if not another trusted adult. Don't do what I did and not report your parents. I regret not telling my parents or going to the police.

Lastly, your spell may be late due to be raped. Being raped take a HUGE toll on the body. With me, my period be almost 2 weeks late hence to why I freaked out that I be pregnant. And please, please, please go see a doctor. I did afterwords and I am very soon being treated for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

If you transport the pill and also an aspirin, can you get pregnant?

Honey, recount your parents. It may be hard to acquire the words out, but you need the oblige of your parents if you've been raped.

Your parents won't be worried going on for diet pills if you have adjectives this other stuff going on.

I think something's wrong next to me!!?

Taking both those medicines prob. wont mar you. But you should talk to someone more or less waht happend. It may be a hard point and embarassing but living with that and have nobody talk to could be worse next your parents being nutty about the diet pills.

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Yes. PLEASE dance to a doctor. Did you report this rape? If not, you need to without delay. Please remember..being raped is NOT your slate. Please report it and see a doctor. You did nothing wrong.

Question for ladies solely please!!?

First of all, I am sorry. Second, you want to tell someone you be raped. I understand individual scared to inform your parents so try to think of someone else, approaching a teacher or one of your friends parents, or someone, that you consistency comfortable with that you can let somebody know. It is important to narrate someone and then they can facilitate you and you will not have to be alone.

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Talk to an adult pronto.

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My guess is that you're not pregnant, and all the trauma and stress you've be though on top of anyone stressed about human being pregnant is what is holding up your period.

Your diet pills and your birth control shouldn't conflict beside each other. The individual way they would is if the diet pills own hormones in them, but I'm pretty sure you can merely sell drugs beside hormones in them by prescription.

Try to relax. And reach a deal to a school or public vigour clinic counselor; unless they think your duration is in jeopardy (which sounds like it's not unless you know your rapist and regard as he will attack again) then you enjoy complete confidentiality with them.

I am exceptionally young And already hold the urge for sex..?

well you aren't supposed to take birth control pills while pregnant, that's adjectives sense I'd like to come up with. The diet pills...well most diet pills are hogwash but form sure you read the side effects, they should have them printed somewhere on the bottle or on the box.

Personal grill! GIRLS ONLY!!?

First of all, at hand are a lot of reason your period could be three days tardy. It sounds like your body have been lower than a lot of stress lately and that can particularly cause a unpunctually period. If you hold started birth control that could be it too. I just started birth control closing month too and that made my period almost a week delayed, and usually it's very regular.

However, you really do inevitability to tell someone. I know it's frozen but you can't keep those mood to yourself, especially if it's effecting your body image and everything close to that. Also you should probably be checked out by a doctor to make sure everything is okay. On top of that, you should probably consult to a professional about it, you hold been traumatized, so please explain to your parents or an adult you trust.

And to answer your final ask, yes you would harming the child if you are taking diet pills. Even though I would say the likelihood of you being pregnant are slim, I would stop taking them until you know for sure. And possibly just not purloin them at all, because I notably doubt you need to lose cargo.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck next to everything, you have be through something no one deserves to step through. I hope everything turns out okay for you!

What do you think of the alien birth control pill that stops you from having period?

I agree that the stress and trauma of what you've been through is probably what's holding up your length.
As far as anything else is concerned, PLEASE talk to an developed that you trust and tell them that you've be raped. You have no view how many women this have happened to and as you would expect it's embarrassing and sensitive to retell. But honey, keeping it bottled up inside of you and letting it fester away for years is NOT going to help you surrounded by the least bit. Take the counsel given here or don't, but you came here to pour out your story to complete strangers that can't relieve you. Please find someone that CAN help you and tolerate them. Not everyone is as horrible as the man who violated you.


Girly, there's a principle why ur parents don't let you out, becuz of the danger of being mugged, raped, etc. Listen to your parents more recurrently! They know better than you!

You need to report the rape ASAP. Why are you letting a criminal bring back away? Why are you allowing him to do it to someone else? Stop the cycle! You have so much more power than you regard!

Go get checked by a doctor. You could enjoy been raped by a guy next to STDs, and you could end up individual very sick.


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