Period is 3 weeks in arrears... not pregnant?

I am 15 and my period have always be normal but immediately it is 3 weeks late and i am worried. I am not sexually stirring so i know i'm not pregnant. I don't know if any of this is related but I have also be feeling really sick, haven't been sleeping ably, losing alot of hair (sometimes within small chunks), get markedly dizzy for no apperent reason, and hold been sweating alot when i sleep. I don't really know who to converse to about this because i am on an exchange and don't really touch comfortable asking my correspondant or her family.

Lowered Birth Control Effectiveness?

You really should see a doctor.

If you don't grain comfortable talking to your host house because of your period individual late, you could instead broach the subject by saing that you haven't be sleeping well, hold been getting reasonably dizzy, and have be losing large amount of hackle, and that you are quite worried in the region of that. Those things without your time of year's lateness and the nausea are definitely worth seeing a doctor roughly speaking, and I'm sure your host family should be prepared to oblige..?

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You should confide in your correspondant. She is responsible for your welfare. You necessitate to a see a doctor. It could just be ahormonal disparity of some sort, but it needs to be checked out.

I use to be capable of get that big O within no time before I have my daughter, but now?

All of those symtoms are signs of severe stress. Talk to your arts school psycologist about methods for relaxation and more or less how to best broach the subject with your host house. In the meantime, try the tips here:

Who has the biggest boobs inf girls aloud and whats here sizes?

Stress can cause you to skip a time.

Vagina probs?

You really should see a doctor. Let you correspondent know about the other problems (not the slowly period). Just those other symptoms alone are signs you need to see a doctor. In reality, the late time of year could be from the stress of the other problems you are having.

A friend of mine took the morning after pill and very soon can't stop bleeding.?

Maybe its because of your hormones, get it checked. My cousin lost alot of curls and she had a awfully bad resentment when she had like problem. You have to check it up next to a doctor.

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