
ok im 15 and i started dating this guy last week but i dont know what to do. contained by class im the one that has to shift up to him and give him a kiss and say aloud hi.when hes with his friends he ignore me but he just keep staring at me like if he expects me to jump up to him.and today after school his guy friend asked him if he looked-for a ride and he said yes and he just not here me there so i have to walk home alone...should i stay beside him to see what happens or should i dump him? and if i do dump him should i ask another guy out? he say he loves me but i dont know!! i really like him though.and it hurts but i involve some advice girls...please help

I want to step on birth control pills?

No matter what age.. a relationship is a 2 instrument deal.. if your doing adjectives the work then he is gonna preserve expecting it. If he is ignoring you and making you meander home.. that is a no no! Sorry hon.. unless your likely to do all the work.. this kid is not for you! There is more fish within the sea! Have fun!

((Girls Only))??

i would utter make him work for it...dont carry up and dont look if he wants u later HE can get up no u

Birth control?

dump the guy if he is unacquainted and wont acknowledge you around his friends then he is a tremble and think how he will treat you when it get more serious

Is there something wrong beside me?

your boyfriend sounds like an ...but i believe asking another guy out right after would make u look bleak.

Positions when the guy is large?

he might be shy but idk b/c he's suposed to be interested in u 2. Se if it get better and notice when he does something nice/cute but if it doesnt dump him

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u guys have be together for only a week and he already told you he loved you? i judge that if he really loved oyu, he would be the one to come up to u in class. and he wouldnt shame you. give it for a while more time, if things dont change i would break up wit him, dotn travel out wit anyone rite away tho.

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ask him why he is being a convulse

Girls!!plzz help! this is brand of embaressing?

dump him! he sounds like a push. i dont think he really loves you if he ignore you all the time. ask out a guy that really like you

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