Is this my first time?

well sorry if this is grossing you out-- but a couple of times today it felt resembling something was coming out of my vagina and go i went to the bathroom and within was for a while brownish orangish spot in my underwear.


Girlss i requirement ur help please!?!?

yeah it is most probable...good luck beside that. welcome to women hood lol

Every time i munch through, i dont feel resourcefully afterwards.?

i know i had the samething

I ate a tampon on a betisthat bleak?


Tell your mom.

Why air comes out from the vagina during sex?

yes! kindness to womanhood my dear!

Does the special k diet plan work?

yes. tell ur mom.

Help so despondent about the size of my boobs?

no its probably discharge

Are vinegar douches past the worst?

Yep you are well on your bearing.

Girls how do you know when you have a yeast infection?

yep most expected how old are you? Post it.CONGRATS

Getting a shot at the doctors.?

Yeah! Tell your mom. Good luck.

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  • Im 14 and i really want the truth, how do u really grow breast, and what causes them to grow?
  • My period lasted for 1 day only but when i took the test its negative?
  • Birth control pill question?

  • Womens Health Topic

    Will I continue to grow taller?

    Is it ok not to hold more than one round of sex respectively time?

    PCOS anyone?

    Is This A Unirary Tract Infection?HELP?!?

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