Every time i devour, i dont feel in good health afterwards.?

I dont even like ingestion anymore, because i know after i eat, im not going to touch well. not one and only that, but i have cramping in my stomach as economically. Does anyone know what i can do to feel better, or perchance what this is?

My girlfriend can't see her?

eat an antacid 15 min earlier your meal
and if u eat spicy and fried stuff aviod for a while and so do the fizzy drinks
donate exercise in your routine be it 15 min stroll and alot of water will sustain.. water will dilute the acids that yr stomach is makin and will drian it beside other toxins :)

This is for all you girls out nearby?

that never happen to me try conversation to a doctor to figure out what the problem is ur going to enjoy to eat try setting a appointment and relating him the problem he would probaly find out whats wrong and fix it :)

For girls only?

maybe you are drinking gasy foods. try taking beano

How do you loose weight nifty..as in a few weeks>?

You could enjoy a food allergy that you're not aware of. This is a problem that should be evaluated and resolved by a doctor, so I highly suggest you product an appointment.

Birth control?

you could have worms or vermin in broad...what foods make you surface ill? is within a pattern? onion and garlic take out off any quality of parasite which creates guts pains. diabetics do not digest food properly?...stomach ulcer? try the diet for your blood type, see a doc.

Strech grades? how to deal next to it?

I would imagine you are intolerant to indisputable foods and that is the explanation you feel poorly after eating. Food allergies can create havoc next to your system if you're not aware of them.

Ask you doctor to refer you to an allergy specialist to check it out.

Good luck :)

Please help, put somebody through the mill about my time of year!?

Have you been checked for food allergies.Food allergies can manifest themsleves contained by other ways besides rash or breathing problems.
The cramping might be lactose intolerance? Or are you gulping your food down at full tilt, to get the consumption over with since you aren't weakness to? Maybe it is gas.

good luck

Ladies individual?

I would keep a food diary for a week and try to identify which foods are bothering you. Try intake only one food at a time. Like own a banana for breakfast. If that doesn't bother you, you know it isn't bananas. Try a cup of yogurt an hour later. See how that go. When you have a schedule of foods that bother you, take that near you to a doctor and they can advise you further. Good luck to you!

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