How long after?

K i'm new to this unharmed birth control pill thing, i finished my pills sunday so i should be getting my term just wondering approximately how long after i stop the pills will i attain my period? My boyfriend is freaking out and hes getting me freaked out but i dont deduce there is anything to freak roughly speaking about so please aid!

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The pills are NOT influential the first month you take them. You requirement to be on them for a month and then the 2nd month they're influential. Your doctor should have told you to verbs to use condoms until the first pack is finished and you're starting the 2nd pack. When you say you finished your pills on Sunday, do you scrounging you're on the last week of the sugar pills? You shouldn't purely finish it - you should always be taking something every single daylight and when one pack is finished you get it refill and start the next pack where on earth the last one gone off. You don't continue for your period to come and later start the new pack - you hold them back to stern. IF that's what you're doing and you get your extent because you've now DELAYED contained by taking the 2nd pack, you need to use protection even so another month until you can use these pills responsibly. If you've had unprotected sex and this is your first month on the pill after you had better procure a pregnancy test and check to see if you're pregnant.

I swear, doctors should really be more intellectual with teens because teens newly never get it.

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Hey you should go carry your new set of pills if you do not want to catch an unwanted pregnancy and why do you think your boyfriend is freaking out. Don't linger for your period to come cos surrounded by the next couple of months at hand might be a baby on the method so go seize your birth control pills rite away.

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If you have any definite questions resembling this, you need to ask your doctor. There is zilch to freak out about. It take ahen bout 3 months for the birth control pills to take their full effect. freshly relax, you're period should come beside in a few days. later you begin your second packet of pills the sunday after you start your period. Good luck! and phone your doctor with anymore question.

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